Georg Sternbacher

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Georg Sternbacher (born April 21, 1933 in Unterkochen ; † April 22, 1995 in Aalen ) was a German painter and artist.

School and study

Georg Sternbacher first learned the trade of art glass in his father's company. This marked out his career path, he was to join the company later. 1950 to 1953 he attended the glass school in Rheinbach . From 1953 Sternbacher began studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich , where he became soon a master student at Josef Oberberger was.

In May 1958 he met his partner, Ute Bohe, who was one year younger than him at the academy. During this time he was awarded four academy prizes and received a grant from the French state in 1959, which enabled him to attend the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris for a year .

Further biography

After a year in Paris he moved back to his Swabian homeland, where he married his partner Ute Sternbacher-Bohe in 1963. The marriage has two sons. The family, who initially lived in Unterkochen, moved to a converted farmhouse in Bopfingen-Oberriffingen in 1970, where Georg Sternbacher was able to set up his studio as a freelance artist. Since 1960 he has been a member of the Free Munich and German Art Association. V., the professional association (BBK) Munich later Stuttgart, the art association of the Diocese of Rottenburg / Stuttgart and the German Society for Christian Art. Since 1970 he lived and worked in Oberriffingen and made many study trips to near and far countries. During this time, numerous works of art were acquired for clients at home and abroad, as well as numerous paintings that successfully enriched many national and international exhibitions. Since 1986 he has been intensively concerned with the subject of "Environment and Destruction" and he created committed material pictures, ink paintings in books and on sheets as well as objects from found objects. Georg Sternbacher died on April 22, 1995.


  • architectural art

Fountain design :

Neresheim, Aalen Vocational School Center, Zell i. W., Satteldorf, Oberkochen and Theodor Heuss Gymnasium in Nördlingen, Brunnen in Ohmenheim.

Churches and cemetery chapels:

Catholic Church Möhringen (Bussen), St. Augustinus Aalen, City Church Bopfingen, Barbarakapelle Unterkochen, St. Anna Ellwangen and Bad Cannstatt, Peter and Paul Aalen (windows and chancel design), Maria Himmelfahrt Königsbronn, Chapel Geislingen, Auernheim.

Public buildings:

Windows and mosaics Rathaus Heubach, window Arbeitsamt Aalen and Rathaus Unterkochen, mirror object Rathaus Oberkochen, mosaics Volksbank Lauchheim and Aalen, Kreissparkasse Neresheim, blue steel sculpture in front of Raiffeisenbank AA-Waldhausen, mosaic in a private villa in Abu Dhabi, UAE, stone stele near Tokyo / Japan , Memorial (menorah) in the former synagogue in Oberdorf.


Wall object Neresheim, objects and wall design Unterschneidheim, window and wall design Heubach, painting Essingen.

Ceramic walls:

Swimming pools in Bopfingen and Nattheim, Unterochen pedestrian underpass.

Wall and room objects:

Office building in Giengen and Nattheim, Lonetal Ost service station on the A7.

  • 1988 Plastic carpet in the HTW Aalen - University of Technology and Economics
  • In 1993 the book "The Scream and the Silence" was created with drawings by Georg Sternbacher and poems by Hans Sahl


  • From 1960 on, regular exhibitions at home and abroad. Selection: Regularly in the Haus der Kunst and in the gallery on Finkenstrasse in Munich; in Paris, Wuppertal, St. Lô, Rome, Tatabanya, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, Cologne, Heidenheim, Nördlingen, Aalen; Rieser Kulturtage exhibitions, Aalen Town Hall Gallery, Kapfenburg / Lauchheim Castle, Aalen District Office. Pictures in public and private collections, including State Gallery Stuttgart and Städtische Galerie Aalen. Represented in numerous catalogs. Participation in public and invited competitions "Art in Architecture".
  • 1995: Former synagogue in Oberdorf, "Traces - Paths of the Persecuted" (October 14th - November 11th 1995)
  • 1999: Summer exhibition of the Hohenloher Kunstverein in the Langenburger Hofratshaus
  • 2005: Kunstverein Aalen , commemorative exhibition on the 10th anniversary of death (June 26 - July 27)
  • 2009: Aalen Town Hall Gallery
  • 2013: KiS - art exhibition in the foundation hospital, Nördlingen (October 17, 2013 - November 7, 2013)


Georg Sternbacher - last pictures: Series "Traces - Paths of the Persecuted" Created January 17th - February 1st 1995, mixed media on canvas, 142 × 142 cm. Owner: Association of the former synagogue Oberdorf eV

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