Georg von Kunheim the Elder

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Georg von Kunheim the Elder (* 1480 ; † September 28, 1543 in Mühlhausen near Preußisch Eylau , Duchy of Prussia ) was a Prussian administrative officer and political advisor to Duke Albrecht of Prussia .


Georg von Kunheim the Elder Ä. was the youngest son of the married couple Daniel von Kunheim († 1507) and Dorothea von Kunheim, b. of Editten. His father, a knight from Lorraine , who came to Prussia around 1450, had been enfeoffed by the Teutonic Order with the villages of Mühlhausen and Schultitten including the right of patronage over the village church of Mühlhausen for services acquired during the Thirteen Years War (1454–1466) . After the death of his father, Georg von Kunheim d. Ä. his fiefdom successor and took over the manor.

Georg von Kunheim the Elder Ä. became official governor of Tapiau , built a close political relationship of trust with Margrave Albrecht of Prussia , advised him on political issues and promoted the conversion of the Duchy of Prussia to Lutheranism . In March 1525 he took part in the peace negotiations in Krakow with the Kingdom of Poland as a member of the Teutonic Order . When Georg von Kunheim d. Ä. In 1541, Duke Albrecht turned to Nicolaus Copernicus , who was still a doctor in his 69th year of age, on April 6, 1541 with a written request to treat him medically.

Since 1513 Georg von Kunheim the Elder was. Ä. married to Margarete Truchseß von Wetzhausen, daughter of Kunz Truchseß von Wetzhausen. Of the couple's nine children, only three survived:

  • Christoph Albrecht von Kunheim; In 1549 he married Elisabeth von Lehndorff, daughter of the late Fabian von Lehndorff, governor in Preussisch Eylau.
  • Erhard von Kunheim; he became secretary and privy councilor to Queen Catherine of Poland .
  • Georg von Kunheim the Younger (1532–1611); on August 5, 1555 he married Margarete Luther , the daughter of the reformer Martin Luther . The couple had four sons and five daughters, of whom only Margarete (* 1559, † 1592), Volmar (* 1564) and Anne survived.

Margarete von Kunheim, b. Truchseß von Wetzhausen, died in 1537. When Georg von Kunheim d. Ä. died, Georg von Kunheim d. J. his fiefdom successor in Mühlhausen, and Duke Albrecht took over the guardianship of the barely eleven year old. The corpse of George d. Ä. was buried in the presence of Duke Albrechta in the family crypt of the Kunheims in the village church of Mühlhausen.


  • Lettau: Some news about the church in Mühlhausen; Especially the observation of the historical peculiarity that Dr. Martin Luther's daughter Margarethe, married v. Kunheim, is buried here . In: Prussian provincial sheets . Volume 5, Königsberg 1831, pp. 49-62.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ FWF von Rekowski: Mühlhausen in Prussia . In: newspaper for the German nobility . Volume 5, 1844, pp. 91-92.
  2. Johannes Voigt : History of Prussia, from the oldest times to the decline of the rule of the Teutonic Order . Volume 9, Königsberg, 1839, p. 746.
  3. Faber: A contribution to the life story of Nicolaus Kopernikus . In: Contributions to the Prussian customer , Volume 2, Königsberg 1819, pp. 265–267.
  4. ^ Leopold Friedrich Prowe : Nicolaus Copernicus in his relations with the Duke Albrecht of Prussia. Lecture given at the public meeting of the Copernicus Society for Science and Art on February 19, 1855. Thorn 1855 ( online ).
  5. Martin Luther : Letters, missions and concerns (collected by Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette ). Part 5, Berlin 1828, p. 732.
  6. Father: Relics of Luther in Prussia . In: Contributions to the customer of Prussia . Volume 1, Koenigsberg 1818, pp. 339-350.