George Biguzzi

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George Biguzzi SX (born February 4, 1936 in Calisese di Cesena , Cesena , Italy ) is Bishop Emeritus of Makeni .


Giorgio Biguzzi joined the order of the Xaverian Missionaries and was ordained a priest on October 16, 1960 . John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Makeni on November 17, 1986 .

The Pope personally donated his episcopal ordination on January 6 of the next year; Co-consecrators were Eduardo Martínez Somalo , substitute for the State Secretariat , and José Tomás Sánchez , Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .

On January 7, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI. the resignation put forward by Giorgio Biguzzi for reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Augusto Fermo Azzolini SX Bishop of Makeni
Henry Aruna