George Bertsch

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George F. Bertsch (born November 5, 1942 in Oswego , New York ) is an American theoretical nuclear physicist .


Bertsch studied at Swarthmore College (Bachelor 1962) and received his doctorate in 1965 from Princeton University . After a post-doctoral period in 1965/66 at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen , he was an instructor and then assistant professor at Princeton, from 1969 assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and from 1970 at Michigan State University , where he was professor from 1974 to 1985 was. He was then a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle .

In addition to quantum mechanical many-particle theory in nuclear physics, he also dealt with applications in atomic and molecular physics (including clusters in the nano range).

In 1969 he received a scholarship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ( Sloan Research Fellowship ). In 2004 he received the Tom W. Bonner Prize for Nuclear Physics from the American Physical Society , of which he became a fellow in 1978. From 1996 to 2005 he was editor of the Reviews of Modern Physics .


  • Editor: Nuclear Theory . 1981. In: Proceedings of the Nuclear Theory Summer Workshop, Santa Barbara 1981 . World Scientific 1982
  • Editor with D. Kurath: Nuclear Spectroscopy . Springer 1980 (Workshop Gull Lake Michigan 1979)
  • The practitioner's shell model . Elsevier, 1972
  • Nuclear vibrations . In: Lecturenotes in Physics , Volume 119, 1979, p. 69
  • Bertsch, Bortignon, Ricardo A. Broglia : Damping of nuclear vibrations . In: Reviews of Modern Physics , Volume 55, 1983, pp. 287-314
  • Editor with R. Broglia: Response of nuclei under extreme conditions . Plenum Press, 1988 (Erice School 1986)
  • with R. Broglia: Oscillations of finite quantum systems . Cambridge University Press, 1994, 2005
  • Vibrations of the atomic nucleus . In: Scientific American , May 1983
  • Bertsch, Negele, Friar, Pandharipande, D. Mueller: Nuclear theory - the last 5 years , white paper 1995, arxiv : nucl-th / 9502035

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