Georges Destenave

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Georges Matthieu Destenave (born May 17, 1854 in Saint-Cricq-Villeneuve , Landes , † December 23, 1928 in Toulon ) was a French military man and Africa explorer.

He was involved in various campaigns in North, Central and West Africa. In 1895 he tried in vain to reach Ouagadougou from Bandiagara in order to sign a protectorate treaty with the local ruler. Destenave fought in World War I and was wounded in Champagne in 1916. He held the rank of général de brigade and retired in 1918.

His repressive rules, which he pronounced as the administrator of the Shari region in the colony of Ubangi-Shari (now the Central African Republic ), became known in the colony as the Code Destenave .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pierre Kalck: Historical dictionary of the Central African Republic (= Historical dictionaries of Africa. Vol. 93). 3rd edition. Scarecrow, Lanham MD et al. 2005, ISBN 0-8108-4913-5 .