Georges Perrier

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Antoine François Jacques Justin Georges Perrier (born October 28, 1872 in Montpellier , † February 16, 1946 in Paris ), nickname Georges Perrier , was a French geodesist and general .

life and work

Like his father, Georges Perrier worked in the Service Géographique de l'Armée (SGA) in the field of triangulation , for a long time in North Africa and South America .

After the First World War he commanded an infantry regiment in Menz (Ethiopia) . He later became an inspector of the liaison forces, especially the radio service in the French army.

At the École polytechnique in Paris, Perrier worked as a professor of geodesy. When the reorganization of international cooperation in the field of geodesy began in 1920, the Geodesy Section (later the Association) appointed Perrier as its general secretary.

Perrier published geodetic works and was president of the International Society for Photogrammetry from 1930 to 1934 . Under his leadership, the international congress for photogrammetry took place in Paris in 1934.

The Perriertoppen was named after Perrier by a French expedition in 1946.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Martine François, Gérard Joly: PERRIER Antoine, François, Jacques, Justin, Georges. In: CTHS Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, September 3, 2013, accessed on July 7, 2020 (French).