Georgios Vizyinos

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Georgios Vizyinos

Georgios Bizyinos ( Greek : Γεώργιος Βιζυηνός; * 1849 in Bizyon ; † 1896 in Athens ) was a Greek writer, poet and scholar.


Bizyinos was born in the eastern Thracian village of Bizyon in the Ottoman Empire . He came from a very poor background. At the age of ten, his parents sent him to his uncle in Constantinople to learn the tailoring trade. He stayed in Constantinople until he was 19. During these years, in addition to his uncle, the Cypriot merchant Giago Georgiades and the Bishop of Cyprus Sophronios took care of him. For a time Bizyinos also lived in Cyprus, where he was earmarked for a clerical career.

Plaque for Georgios Bizyinos (Vizyinos) in Göttingen, Goßlerstraße 2

In 1872 Bizyinos began to study theology at the Halki theological school on the Prince Islands . In the following year he published his first collection of poems, entitled "Poetic First Work" (Ποιητικά Πρωτόλεια). One of the professors of Bizyinos in Halki was the theologian and poet Ilias Tantalides , who recognized his extraordinary talent and introduced him to Georgios Zariphis , who later became his sponsor. In 1874 Bizyino's epic poem "Kodros" was awarded at a major poetry competition in Athens. In the same year Bizyinos enrolled in the Philosophical School of Athens, but left Greece a year later to continue his studies in Göttingen . His sponsor Zariphis made this study abroad possible for him. In addition to philosophy, Bizyinos also studied philology in Göttingen. He finished his studies in Göttingen in 1878.

Two years earlier, in 1876, his poetry collection "Bosporan Breeze" (Βοσπορίδες αύραί) was awarded in a poetry competition. A year later, the commission of the same competition mentioned his collection of poems " Hesperides " with praise .

In 1881 Bizyino's doctoral thesis “The children's game in relation to psychology and pedagogy” is printed in Leipzig.

During a trip to Paris in 1882, he met the writers Demetrius Vikelas and Marquis Queux de Saint-Hilaire. During another trip in 1883, Bizyinos met the philosopher Petros Brailas-Armenis , who was the Greek ambassador to London at the time, and the writer Juliette Lamber-Adam. During his long stay in London, the volume of poetry "Athenian Briese" (Ατθίδες αύραι) appears. In the same year Bizyinos published the short stories "Between Piraeus and Naples" (Μεταξύ Πειραιώς καί Νεαπόλεως) and "Who was my brother's murderer" (Ποίος ήτο ο φονεύς του αδελφού μου).

In 1884 his patron Zariphis died and Bizyinos returned to Greece.

In 1885 he finished his dissertation "The Philosophy of the Good according to Plotinus " (Η Φιλοσοφία του καλου παρα Πλωτίνω). In the same year the stories "The consequence of the ancient history" (Αι συνέπεια της παλαιάς ιστορίας) and "The only journey of his life" (Το μόνον της ζωής του ταξείδιον) appeared. The latter work was filmed in 2001.

In 1886 Bizyinos wrote the work "Moskov-Selim".

Bizyinos fell ill in 1892. He died in Athens in 1896.


Poetry collections

  • First poetic work (1873)
  • Kodros (1874)
  • Bosporan Breeze (1876)
  • Athenian breeze (1883)
  • Hesperides (1887)
  • Lyric
  • Children's seals


  • My Mother's Sin (1883)
  • Between Piraeus and Naples (1883)
  • Who Was My Brother's Murderer (1883)
  • The Consequences of Ancient History (1884)
  • The Only Journey of His Life (1884)
  • May 1st (1884)
  • The apple tree (1885)
  • The Fright (1886)
  • Moskov-Selim (1895)

Scientific works

  • The children's game in relation to psychology and pedagogy (1881)
  • The philosophy of the good according to Plotinus (1885)

Web links