Altered water beetle

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Altered water beetle
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Water beetles (Hydrophilidae)
Subfamily : Hydrophilinae
Genre : Anacaena
Type : Altered water beetle
Scientific name
Anacaena limbata
( Fabricius , 1792)

The rimmed water beetle ( Anacaena limbata ) is a beetle from the water beetle family (Hydrophilidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 2.3 to 2.8 millimeters. Their oval body shines very strongly and is colored black-brown. Their top is densely fine and irregularly structured with dots. The pronotum and the elytra ( Eltytren ) are margins yellow-brown, but can also be colored brown yellow, and then the wing covers seam is dark and a dark spot is on the neck plate. The pronotum can also have three transverse, sometimes contiguous, dark spots. At the rear of the elytra there is an arched strip at the wing cover seam, which extends approximately to the middle of the body. The head is black, the antennae and tarsi are colored brown, whereby the last tarsal link is completely or partly colored black. The remaining legs are brown-red, the thighs ( femora ) are colored a little darker on the inside.


The animals are found in the Palearctic up to the far north and also on the British Isles . They populate most stagnant bodies of water, especially small pools with heavy vegetation and bodies of water in moors . You can find them from the plains to the Krummholzzone of the mountains. They are very common.



  • Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. Volume 2, KG Lutz, Stuttgart 1912, p. 361f.
  • Edmund Reitter: Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908–1916, digital library volume 134, Directmedia Publishing GmbH, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-898-53534-7 .
  • Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Beetles of Central and Northwestern Europe. Parey, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 .