Gerhard Göllnitz

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Gerhard Carl Otto Friedrich Herbert Göllnitz (born April 28, 1920 in Güstrow ; † January 3, 2003 in Rostock ) was a German psychiatrist and neurologist who was mainly active in research in child psychiatry . He held the first chair for child neuropsychiatry in the GDR.


Gerhard Göllnitz passed the Abitur in 1938 at the John Brinckman School in Güstrow and studied human medicine at the University of Rostock from 1938 to 1945 . There were occasional interruptions in studies for the Reich Labor Service and for drafting into the Wehrmacht (1941–42). After the Second World War , Göllnitz began to work as an assistant doctor in the Rostock reserve hospital. He was a compulsory assistant and scientific assistant from 1945 to 1953, received his habilitation in 1952 , and then worked as a senior physician at the Rostock University Neurological Clinic. He passed the specialist examination for the specialist in neurology and psychiatry in 1951. From 1953 to 1985 he was professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Rostock. From 1958 he headed the newly established department for child and adolescent psychiatry and was acting head of the chair for psychiatry. From 1959 was director of the university mental hospital in succession to Franz Günther von Stockert . The recognition as a sub-specialist in child neuropsychiatry took place in 1972. In 1985 Göllnitz retired.

Göllnitz was internationally highly regarded for his contributions to the research area of early childhood brain damage . The concept of the so-called "axis syndrome" goes back to him, the symptoms of which are largely similar to the internationally better known concept of psycho-organic syndrome (POS). He also described behavioral problems that could be improved by the administration of amphetamine and used the term “dextro-amphetamine response disorder”. Current research on attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the modern continuation of this research area.


  • 1958–90 board member of the Society for Psychiatry and Neurology of the GDR
  • 1962–85 chairman of the child neuropsychiatry section of the Society for Psychiatry and Neurology of the GDR
  • 1965–90 member of the "Neurological Rehabilitation" working group of the World Federation for Neurology
  • 1968–90 member of the editorial committee of the magazine "Acta Paedopsychiatrica", Basel
  • 1969–89 head of the research project "Defective Child"
  • 1971–79 Vice-President of the "Union of European Pedopsychiatrists" (Stockholm-Vienna-Madrid)
  • 1972–90 member of the editorial committee of the journal "Psychiatrie, Neurologie, Medizinische Psychologie", Leipzig

Publications (selection)

  • The importance of early childhood brain damage for child psychiatry. Leipzig 1954. (Extended habilitation thesis)
  • Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence. 5th edition. Jena / Stuttgart 1992.
  • Child neuropsychiatry. In: K. Seidel , HAF Schulze, G. Göllnitz and H. Szewczyk (eds.): Neurology and psychiatry including child neuropsychiatry and judicial psychiatry. 4th edition. Berlin 1989.
  • [With G. Schulz-Wulf:] Rhythmic-psychomotor music therapy. 2nd Edition. Jena 1976.


  • 1969 Hufeland Medal
  • 1974 URANIA gold badge of honor
  • 1974 University Prize for Research
  • 1976 Plaque of Honor of the International Society for Social Psychiatry (Opatija)
  • 1976 plaque of honor from the Society for Clinical Medicine
  • 1979 National 3rd class prize for collective science and technology
  • 1978 honorary member of the Purkyne Society of the CSSR
  • 1981 honorary member of the Austrian Working Group for Children
  • 1983 honorary member of the Hungarian Psychiatric Society
  • 1983 Karl Bonhoeffer Medal from the Society for Psychiatry and Neurology of the GDR
  • 1984 Badge of Honor from the University of Rostock
  • 1990 Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, 1st class
  • 1995 honorary member of the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


  • Prof. em. Dr. med. habil Gerhard Göllnitz on his 75th birthday. In: Ärzteblatt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 5, No. 5, 1995, pp. 254-255.
  • Gerhard Göllnitz (1920–2003). In: Rolf Castell u. a .: History of child and adolescent psychiatry in Germany from 1937 to 1961. Göttingen 2003, pp. 494–496.
  • Personnel file Gerhard Göllnitz, Rostock University Archive.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Child European Psychiatry in the GDR
  2. ^ Enrollment (1) by Gerhard Göllnitz in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Enrollment (2) by Gerhard Göllnitz in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. ^ Enrollment (3) by Gerhard Göllnitz in the Rostock matriculation portal
  5. ^ Aribert Rothenberger, Klaus-Jürgen Neumärker: The history of science of ADHD - Kramer-Pollnow in the mirror of time. Steinkopff, Darmstadt 2005.