Gerhard Pape

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Gerhard Pape (born June 2, 1954 in Westerbrak ) is a German lawyer and was a judge at the Federal Court of Justice from 2008 to 2019 .


After graduating from high school in 1976 at Wilhelmstrasse in Holzminden , Pape originally wanted to study medicine to become a doctor. When he was initially unable to study, he began studying mathematics and physics, which he broke off again to take up law studies at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . In 1980 he completed his law studies with the first state examination in law. Then he started working on his dissertation . Wolfram Henckel, an important lawyer in matters of insolvency and bankruptcy law, saw the student's great talent for law and accepted him as a doctoral student . In 1984 Pape received his doctorate in law from the University of Göttingen with the study "On the systematics of paragraph 60 KO " .

In 1984 he joined the higher judicial service in Lower Saxony . Here he initially worked at the Hildesheim Regional Court , the Holzminden District Court and the Göttingen Public Prosecutor's Office. After successfully completing the second state examination, he was appointed judge at the Göttingen Regional Court in 1987 and a judge at the Celle Higher Regional Court in 1997. Most recently he was presiding judge at the Higher Regional Court of Celle at the 2nd Senate for family matters and in the Senate for agricultural matters.

The judges' election committee of the federal and state governments, consisting of the legal committee of the German Bundestag and the justice ministers of the states, elected Pape in 2007 as the successor to the retiring judge Gero Fischer in the IX. Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice , which is responsible for insolvency law , attorney's liability and tax advisor liability . On April 1, 2008, he was finally appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice (RiBGH). On December 31, 2019, Pape retired.

Pape has been married since 1981 and has one son. Today he lives in Göttingen and is the author of several books on insolvency law.


  1. Press release of the Federal Court of Justice No. 62/2008 of April 2, 2008
  2. Press release of the Federal Court of Justice No. 170/2018 of December 30, 2019

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