Gerhard von Lünenschlos

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The Buhl house in Heidelberg is a baroque palace in Heidelberg's old town on Hauptstrasse , it was the residence of its builder Friedrich Gerhard von Lünenschlos

Friedrich Gerhard von Lünenschlos (* 1666 in Heidelberg ; † 1735 ) was a German mathematician and professor at Heidelberg University .


Lünenschlos was a son of the professor of mathematics Johannes von Leuneschlos (1620–1699) and Anna Christina von Partz (Portzen). In June 1695, with the approval of the Elector Johann Wilhelm , he took over the office from his father, which became the first hereditary professorship in Heidelberg.

The university had moved to Frankfurt am Main since the city was destroyed in the War of the Palatinate Succession . Lünenschlos went to Weinheim with the rest of the teaching staff in 1698. In 1700 he returned to Heidelberg. A little later he had the baroque town house built in front of the Upper Gate, which later became known as the Buhl House . In 1699, 1703, 1706, 1707 and 1727 he was rector of the university and several times dean of the philosophy faculty.

On September 9, 1734, Lünenschlos was mentioned for the last time in the minutes of the Senate.


  • Dagmar Drüll: Heidelberg scholars lexicon . 1652-1802. Springer, Berlin et al. 1991, ISBN 3-540-53472-5 , p. 96 f.

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