Gerry Fitt

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Gerard "Gerry" Fitt, Baron Fitt (born April 9, 1926 in Belfast , Northern Ireland , † August 26, 2005 ) was a Northern Irish politician .


After attending school, Fitt worked for the merchant navy between 1941 and 1953 .

His political career began for the Irish Labor Party in 1958 in the municipal politics before he for this in the 1962 Northern Ireland Assembly ( Northern Ireland Assembly ) was elected and there until the its dissolution in March 1972 constituency Belfast dock Division represented.

After his discharge from the Irish Labor Party he founded in 1964 the Republican Labor Party (RLP) and was for this in the elections in 1966 in the British House of Commons ( House of Commons ) , chosen where it until 1983 belonged, where the constituency of Belfast West represented. Between 1964 and 1970 he was also chairman of the RLP.

In 1970 he was one of the founders of the Social Democratic and Labor Party (SDLP) and was also its chairman until 1979. In addition, he was from 1973 to 1975 a member of the government of Northern Ireland and temporarily in 1974 as Brian Faulkner's deputy chief ( Deputy Chief of the Northern Ireland Executive ). In these functions he took part in the negotiations on the Sunningdale Agreement , which provided that Northern Ireland's unionists would cede part of their influence to nationalist Irish , but the agreement ultimately due to strong opposition , increasing acts of violence on the part of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) and a general strike organized by the Ulster Workers' Council failed.

After he left the SDLP in 1979, he remained a member of the lower house as an independent socialist . Successor as chairman of the SDLP was then John Hume . Fitt, who campaigned for nonviolence in the Northern Ireland conflict, subsequently suffered hostility from both Republicans and loyalist extremists .

In the general election of June 9, 1983 , he lost his seat in the House of Commons to the nominee of Sinn Féin , Gerry Adams , but became a life peer with the title Baron Fitt , of Bell's Hill in the County of Down, in the nobility in July 1983 collected and was now on the upper house ( house of Lords ) to. Shortly after he became a life peer, his Belfast home was arson .

Gerry Fitt - Baron Fitt, father of 6 daughters, died at the age of 79.

Web links and sources

Individual evidence

  1. Obituaries in: 2005 / aug / 26