History didactics (magazine)

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History didactics

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise History didactics
language German
publishing company Schwann-Verlag ( Germany )
First edition 1976
Frequency of publication every three months
editor Annette Kuhn et al. a.
ISSN (online)
German academic journal 1976–1987

The journal Geschichtsdidaktik was published from 1976 to 1987 with four issues per year by the Düsseldorf Schwann-Verlag . It mainly dealt with historical didactic topics and gave impulses for reforming history teaching .

The editors Annette Kuhn , Klaus Bergmann , Jörn Rüsen , Gerhard Schneider , Lothar Steinbach u. a. wanted to take a counter-position to the strongly subject-specific journal History in Science and Education by founding a specialist journal that only dealt with historical didactic topics . They were united by the notion of a "critical" history didactics that was based on the key concept of emancipation . Thus they stood in opposition to less socially critical historical didactic concepts, for example by Joachim Rohlfes and Karl-Ernst Jeismann .

In 1987 the magazine was discontinued for economic reasons. The conceptual successor with a more practical orientation was the magazine Geschichteearning at Friedrich-Verlag .