Adorned pigeon goiter

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Adorned pigeon goiter
Eupithecia venosata.jpg

Adorned pigeon fly ( Eupithecia venosata )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Larentiinae
Genre : Eupithecia
Type : Adorned pigeon goiter
Scientific name
Eupithecia venosata
( Fabricius , 1787)

The decorated pigeon fly ( Eupithecia venosata ), also known as the decorated catchfly , is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the flyer (Geometridae).



The moths reach a wingspan of 20 to 25 millimeters. The wings have a light brownish to cream-colored base color and are very characteristically drawn. The forewings are more extensive and rounder than in many other flower tensioners. Typical for the species are several light, black-edged wavy lines, some of which have a grid-like appearance, as well as black-colored veins. The hind wings have a similar, but greatly weakened, pattern. The decorated pigeon goiter is very similar to the species Eupithecia schiefereri and can only be clearly distinguished from it by means of a genital examination . Since E. schiefereri does not occur in Germany, the determination is easy here. In Austria, Switzerland and other southern countries, however, both species occur in parallel.

Egg, caterpillar, pupa

The egg is compact and oval. The caterpillar is usually dirty green in color and has a very broad brownish stripe on the back and a shiny black head. The doll is shiny brownish yellow with a dark brown cremaster , which has five bulging elevations and a straight tip with several bristles at the base.


  • Tephroclystia venosata

Similar species


The species is widespread in Europe , North Africa and Asia Minor . It prefers warm, dry areas and can be found on the edges of forests, heaths, parklands and warm slopes. In the Alps it rises to around 2,000 meters.

Way of life

The caterpillars feed on the capsules of the pigeon goiter ( Silene vulgaris ) and other glue herbs ( Silene ). They live in July and August. The pupae overwinter and occasionally lay over several times. The moths fly from late May to late July.


In Germany, the species occurs in all federal states, but the occurrence fluctuates considerably, so that it is included in the Red List of Endangered Species in Category V (on the early warning list).


Individual evidence

  1. a b W. Forster, TA Wohlfahrt: Spanner . Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart, 1974, ISBN 3-440-46625-6
  2. a b c Manfred Koch, Wolfgang Heinicke, Bernd Müller: We determine butterflies. Volume 4: Spanner. 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1976, DNB 780451570 .
  3. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Ed.): Red List of Endangered Animals in Germany. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster 1998, ISBN 3-89624-110-9


Web links

Commons : Adorned pigeon flyer  - album with pictures, videos and audio files