Society of European Academies

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Society of European Academies
purpose Promotion of European unification through education, meeting and information
Chair: Hanns Christhard Eichhorst (Chair)
Eva Wessela (Deputy Chair)
Kilian Kindelberger (Deputy Chair)
Establishment date: 1974
Number of members: 15 facilities
Seat : Bonn
Website: Society of European Academies

The Society of European Academies e. V. is an umbrella organization of 15 independent institutions for extracurricular political youth and adult education in Germany with a focus on European political education. It was founded in 1974 and is based in Bonn .

goals and tasks

The society and its member institutions have set themselves the goal of “promoting European unification through education, encounter and information”. It is Germany's only umbrella organization for European policy education. As an umbrella organization, it represents the interests of its member institutions in educational policy networks and committees at the federal level and vis-à-vis public funding agencies. Networking, European public relations as well as further training and information exchange for full-time and part-time employees of the member institutions are also part of their job profile. The Society of European Academies is a member of the European Movement Germany and with four institutions a member of the network of political education in the Bundeswehr.


It was founded in 1974 on the initiative of Arno Krause . The member institutions offer educational events on European policy for different target groups, from seminars and specialist conferences to study trips. In their educational work they are methodically oriented towards the Beutelsbach Consensus . Nine member institutions have their own meeting and conference centers.

List of members

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mission statement of the Society of European Academies
  2. See Society of European Academies - About Us ( Memento of the original from August 11, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links