Society for Empirical Educational Research

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The Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF e.V.) was founded in 2012 in Frankfurt am Main. It is an association of scientists who are active in research and teaching in the field of empirical educational research. In this respect, the composition of the GEBF is interdisciplinary, with those involved and the like. a. from educational science, psychology, sociology, subject didactics and economics. The GEBF is run as a non-profit association based in Frankfurt am Main and in 2019 comprised approx. 550 active members from various disciplines of empirical educational research.

tasks and goals

The main goal of the GEBF is the promotion of empirical educational research and the dissemination of its scientific results. This is done, among other things, through the following activities:

  • Organization of scientific conferences, in particular an annual specialist congress
  • Promotion and networking of young scientists through:
    • Youth day during the GEBF conferences
    • Young Talent Publication Awards (Doctoral Candidates Category and Post-Docs Category)
    • Networking of empirical educational research in German-speaking countries and stimulating interdisciplinary exchange
  • Public relations work on the status and development of empirical educational research and preparation of statements on educational policy issues


The GEBF was founded on February 9, 2012 at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. The 59 founding members were researchers at universities and non-university research institutes from all disciplines involved in empirical educational research. The aim of the foundation was to do justice to the establishment of empirical educational research as an independent research field, which had begun in the 2000s, and to create framework conditions for cooperation between the relevant disciplines. An important pioneer for the GEBF was the working group for empirical educational research (AEPF), which is established as part of the empirical educational research section of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE). The AEPF has been interdisciplinary since its foundation and unites empirically working pedagogues and psychologists, but also sociologists and, increasingly, specialist didactics. The aim of the founding members was to continue the interdisciplinary collaboration that had begun in the AEPF in a context that was not assigned to a specific discipline, and thus to make it clear that empirical educational research is an independent field of research that encompasses various disciplines. The first meeting of the GEBF took place from March 11th to 13th, 2013 in Kiel. Since then, the GEBF conferences with around 1,000 participants have established themselves as a much-used forum for interdisciplinary educational research.

Since 2015, the GEBF has been recognized by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as an independent specialist society with the right to make proposals for committees such as review boards. Members of the GEBF are represented in committees such as the Science Council , the DFG Senate, DFG Review Boards , the Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD) or the selection committee of the teacher training quality offensive, as well as in numerous expert commissions of the federal or state governments.

GEBF annual conferences and GEBF junior conferences

Once a year, the Society for Empirical Educational Research meets at a conference lasting several days, in which non-members can also participate. The conferences each have a current topic. The location and organizers of the specialist congress change annually.

Overview of the annual meetings:

2013: 1st GEBF conference in Kiel

"Educational trajectories over the life span"

2014: 2nd GEBF conference in Frankfurt am Main

"Connect the perspectives"

2015: 3rd GEBF conference in Bochum

"Heterogeneity. Value. Estimate"

2016: 4th GEBF conference Berlin

"Unexpected educational success over the life span"

2017: 5th GEBF conference in Potsdam

"Mastering social challenges through education"

2018: 6th GEBF conference Basel

"Professional action as a challenge for educational research"

2019: 7th GEBF conference Cologne

"Teaching and learning in educational institutions"

2020: 8th GEBF conference Potsdam (conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic )

"Shaping education - achieving participation - using digitization"

GEBF prices

GEBF Young Talent Publication Awards

The Society for Empirical Educational Research awards two young talent publication prizes every year - once in the doctoral candidate category and once in the post-doc category (doctoral candidates who do not hold a professorship). The prize is endowed with 500 euros each and awarded during the annual GEBF conference.

Lifetime achievement award

Jürgen Baumert

GEBF Prize for promoting interdisciplinarity in educational research

2019 Hans E. Fischer, Detlev Leutner and Elke Sumfleth (together)


The GEBF board consists of the president, up to four other vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. The term of office of the board is two years.

Board member since 2019

President of the GEBF Mareike Kunter ( DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education , Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)

Vice President :

  • Johannes Bauer (University of Erfurt)
  • Timo Leuders (Freiburg University of Education)
  • Monika Oberle (Georg-August-University-Göttingen)
  • Steffen Schindler (University of Bamberg)
  • Treasurer: Esther Winther (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • Secretary: Johannes Hartig ( DIPF )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. E. Aljetz: The rise of empirical educational research . Springer, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-08115-7 .
  2. C. Gräsel: What is empirical educational research? Ed .: H. Reinders, H. Ditton, C. Gräsel, B. Gniewosz. 15-30 edition. Empirical educational research. Structures and methods. Springer, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-531-93015-2 .
  3. About us. In: AEPF Working Group for Empirical Educational Research. Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
  4. Afanasia Zwick: Educational Research Strengthened social injustice by Bologna., March 5, 2014, accessed on April 16, 2020 .
  5. GEBF 2020. GEBF e. V., accessed on April 21, 2020 .