Society for contemporary poetry

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The Society for Contemporary Poetry eV (GZL) was founded in 1992 in Tübingen by the poet and grammar school teacher Gerhard Oberlin under the patronage of Karl Krolow . In 1996 the association relocated its headquarters to Leipzig .


Today the association has around 280 members from 8 countries, including numerous winners of high literary awards, making it the largest association of poets in Germany. The society is a member of the Working Group of Literary Societies and Memorials .

In addition to literary events of supraregional importance, the association looks after the Leipzig Poetry Library (under this name since 1998), a collection of contemporary international poetry. Since March 2007, the Society for Contemporary Poetry eV has also been editing the magazine Poesiealbum every six months in the “Edition kunst & dichtung”.

In June 2010, the association organized the “Days of Poetry in Saxony” for the first time, for which poets from Germany and abroad met in Leipzig. Two years later, in June 2012, this big poetry meeting took place in the Ore Mountains. Due to the lack of financial support from the Free State of Saxony, these authors' meetings come to an early end with the “Days of Poetry in Saxony: Zwickau 2015”.

In 2012 the company organized a school writing competition on the subject of “mobility” for the first time. In 2012, 2014 and 2017, poetry film competitions for the audio books “Words Are Boats” and “Black Fears” and for the poetry of Joachim Ringelnatz followed. In 2013, the recognized non-profit association published the more than 200-page documentation “Born in Tübingen, raised in Leipzig. 20 years of poetry society ”.

In 2017, the poetry album neu prize was awarded for the first time , which the poet Erica Natale from Bielefeld received. In 2018, Andreas Reimann from Leipzig was honored with the new poetry album .

In 2018, as part of the publications of the Lyrikgesellschaft, the first number in the new series The Special Edition with texts by Peter Gosse was published on the eightieth , followed in 2019 by No. 2 with texts by Joachim Ringelnatz "Water drops & soap bubble". The text / audio book was published on the occasion of the 4th poetry film competition on the poetry of Ringelnatz, born in Wurzen in 1883 as Hans Bötticher.

The association's chairman has been Ralph Grüneberger since 1996 .

Event series

  • Summer night of poetry (Leipzig, 1997–2006)
  • Tübingen Winter Poetry Day (Tübingen, 2001–2002)
  • Paternoster reading (supraregional, 2002-2005)
  • Lehmanns Poetry Night (Leipzig, 2007-2008)
  • Poetic Podium (Leipzig, 2008-2011)
  • Days of Poetry in Saxony (Saxony, 2010–2015)
  • Poetry album new reading tour, (nationwide, 2013)
  • ZWIE SPRACHE (Leipzig, since 2013)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of December 6, 2007: The times for poetry are not that bad
  2. Lyrikzeitung-online from November 4, 2007: 39. "Poesiealbum" and "Poesiealbum neu"