Health law
As health law 's right is health understood, so the Social Security Law , the professional law and other regulations, the social and private insurance ( health insurance , nursing care , medical rehabilitation through various carriers), the activities of service providers and operation of the necessary infrastructure ( Hospitals , rehabilitation facilities, pharmacies , emergency services and the like)
In the narrower sense, the right to practice medical medicine is sometimes referred to as “health law”. The health care law is a branch of the health law in the broader sense.
- Josef Berchtold : Health Law: SGB V and SGB XI . 1st edition. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 3-8329-6161-5 .
- Ginger Ebsen (Ed.): Handbook of Health Law . 1st edition Huber, Bern 2015, ISBN 3-456-85246-0 .
- Gerhard Igl , Felix Welti (ed.): Health law. A systematic introduction . 3rd revised edition. Franz Vahlen, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-8006-5422-2 .