Ghetto (documentary)

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Original title ghetto
Ghetto film by Thomas Imbach.jpg
Country of production Switzerland
original language German
Publishing year 1997
length 122 minutes
Director Thomas Imbach
script Monika Gsell ,
Thomas Imbach
production Thomas Imbach
music Peter Bräker
camera Jürg Hassler,
Thomas Imbach
cut Jürg Hassler,
Thomas Imbach

Ghetto is a documentary by the Swiss director Thomas Imbach . It premiered in January 1997 at the Solothurn Film Festival. He was also nominated for the Visions du Réel competition in Nyon and the Mannheim-Heidelberg Film Festival in 1997, where he won the main prize “Best Documentary”. Ghetto also won the 1997 Zurich Film Prize and the “Premio Giampaolo Paoli” at the Florence International Film Festival.


The director accompanies schoolchildren in Meilen in their everyday life just before the end of school for nine months. In individual sequences and themes, individual figures take center stage, have their say through their facial expressions and gestures, and form a portrait of a generation.


“In the anarchic classroom, in the roaring techno cellar, on their nightly strolls and in the laborious search for an apprenticeship. A haunting, fast-paced and touching research sentimental has emerged. The kids are, in spite of all barriers, stumbling and shitting, full of energy. "(Nina Toepfer, WELTWOCHE)

"Ghetto provides an incredibly lively, truthful and touching picture of this generation, which is confronted with an unprecedented liberalism in an unprecedented economic hardship." (Walter Ruggle, TAGES ANZEIGER)

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