Giacinto de Ferrari

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Giacinto Maria Giuseppe de Ferrari OP (born September 28, 1804 in Oneglia as Michele Girolamo Cesare Leopoldo de Ferrari , † July 17, 1874 in Rome ) was an Italian religious , theologian and curia bishop .


On October 13, 1821, he was accepted into the convent of La Quercia , near Viterbo , of the Dominican Order with the religious name Giacinto Maria Giuseppe . He was ordained priest on March 31, 1827 in Viterbo. On August 4, 1837 he became a master of theology. Giacinto de Ferrari was appointed librarian of the Casanatense in 1839 . He entered the service of the Curia on November 22, 1843 as consultor of the Index Congregation and the Propaganda Congregation , and from 1847 he was also a visitor to the Dominican Province of Sardinia.

On June 27, 1870, Pope Pius IX appointed Giacinto de Ferrari titular Archbishop of Naupactus . The episcopal ordination donated to him on July 3rd of the same year Costantino Cardinal Patrizi Naro , Cardinal Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina ; Co- consecrators were Tommaso Passero OP, Bishop of Troy , and Michele Milella OP, Bishop of Teramo .

He died four years later and was buried in the Roman church of Santa Sabina .

Works (selection)

His numerous publications cover a wide spectrum and relate, among other things, to theology, church history and librarianship.

  • Le missioni straniere. Orazione pronunciata nell'insigne tempio della pace in Roma il 30 giugno 1839. Rome 1839.
  • Nei solenni funerali del reverendisso Padre Clementino Cini, procuratore generale dell'inclito ordine minoritico. Rome 1839.
  • Le glorie di Gesù bambino, mirror nella novena del s. Natale. Rome 1840.
  • Orazione funebre di donna Anna Maria duchessa Torlonia. Rome 1840.
  • Illustrazione di un codice virgiliano. Rome 1842.
  • Sopra una pergamene antica contenente i canoni apostolici e un frammento inedito del ven. Bede. Rome 1843.
  • Sul criterio geologico, onde si confutano vari moderni sistemi. Rome 1845.
  • Vita del beato Alberto Magno. Rome 1847.
  • Philosophia tomistica qua veteris ac novae scholae doctrina analytica expenditur. 3 vol., Rome 1851.
  • Sopra i norachi dell'isola di Sardegna. Rome 1852.
  • An definiri possit de fide mysterium Immaculatae Conceptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis, et an expediat? Votum uni Summo Pontifici Pio IX reservatum. Rome 1853.
  • Sul Natale di Roma 1853 detto nella villa Massimo al Laterano. Rome 1853.
  • Il sepolcro di papa Pio VIII, opera del comm. Pietro Tenerani, nella patriarcale basilica vaticana. Rome 1866.


  • Philippe Bountry: Officiers subalternes de la curie et consulteurs des congrégations romaines en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) (notes brèves) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 193–195 (French, online edition [accessed May 18, 2019]).

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