Giambattista Grilli Rossi

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Giambattista Grilli Rossi (born October 5, 1768 in Bologna , † January 2, 1837 there ) was an Italian poet and writer .


Giambattista Grilli Rossi came from a respectable family and received a good upbringing. The great zeal with which he studied rhetoric and philosophy in the seminar earned him the praise of his teachers as a teenager. After completing his secondary school studies he entered the University of his native city to jurisprudence to study. In 1791 he received his doctorate in law . His father died five years later. He now looked around for a position and became Count Lupari's secretary. In 1806 he entered the service of Count Pallavicini in the same position, with whom he remained until 1814. That year he was appointed professor of eloquence and poetry at the University of Bologna. A year later he married and lived happily until 1821, when his wife died and he sought solace for the loss in religion .

As a writer, Grilli did not turn to legal literature, but rather worked as a poet. A great modesty distinguished him as a poet and orator; He preferred the judgment and praise of a few friends who seemed competent to him than the favor of the crowd.



  • A Maria Vergine Trionfatrice. Ode saffica , Bologna 1799
  • Il Canario Silfo. Terze rime , Bologna 1800
  • Al celebre aereonauta Francesco Zambeccari nel secondo suo esperimento. Stroffete primi d'un Bolognese , Bologna 1804
  • A Santa Cecilia VM Strofette , Bologna 1805
  • Anacreontiche , Bologna 1807; increased edition 1811
  • In lode del Signore Jacopo de Maria Scultore. Canzone , Bologna 1811
  • Tragedie, Favola boschereccia, ditirambo e poemetto , Bologna 1818 (poetic products from Grilli's various stages of development)
  • L'undici di Marzo, natale di Torquato Tasso . Canzone alla greca , Bologna 1831
  • Canzoni e madrigals in morte dell'egregia donzella Carolina Ghedini , Bologna 1836


  • Orazione detta nella solenne essequie celebrate a Gaetano Gandolfi pittore , Bologna 1802
  • Orazione in lode delle belle arti , Bologna 1809
  • Della tranquillità negli studi, Orazione , Bologna 1818
  • Delle lodi di Fernando Antonio Ghedini poeta lirico bolognese , Bologna 1820
  • Elogio di Arione Metinese , Bologna 1822
  • Delle lodi del Marchese Gian Gioseffo Orsi, letterato bolognese , Bologna 1822
  • Oratio habita in archigymnasio Bononiensi quum primum ex instituto Leonis XII. Pont. Max. Studia solemniter instaurarentur , Bologna 1824
  • Elogio de Marchese Pir. Malv. Lupari , in: Collezione scelta di cento Monumenti sepolcrali nel comun cimitero di Bologna , Fascicle III, Bologna 1825
