Giammaria place

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Giammaria place

Giammaria Ort (March 2, 1713 , † 1790 ) was a Venetian composer , economist , mathematician , Camaldolian monk and philosopher . He is known to have anticipated some of the considerations of Malthusian population theory .

In Marxian capital , Ort is seen as a great economic writer of the 18th century, who, however, understands the “antagonism of capitalist production as a general natural law of social wealth”. So Ort writes: “The economically good and the economically evil are always in balance in a nation, the abundance of goods for some is always equal to the lack of it for others. Great wealth from some is always accompanied by the absolute deprivation of what is necessary in others. A nation's wealth corresponds to its people, and its misery corresponds to its wealth. Labor in some compels idleness in others. The poor and idle are a necessary fruit of the rich and active. ”Marx also quotes him with the following statement:“ Instead of setting up useless systems for the happiness of the people, I will limit myself to examining the reasons for their misfortune. ”


Errori popolari intorno all'economia nazionale e al governo delle nazioni , 1999
  • Della economia nazionale (1774)
  • Sulla religione e sul governo dei popoli (1780)
  • Dei fedecommessi a famiglie e chiese (1784)

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Individual evidence

  1. G. Ortes, “Deila Economia Nazionale libri sei 1774”, in Cüstodi, Parte Moderna, t.XXI, p.6, 9, 22, 25 etc; quoted from: Karl Marx: Das Kapital. MEW 23: 675.
  2. G. Ortes, “Deila Economia Nazionale libri 1774”, in Cüstodi, Parte Moderna, t.XXI, p.32; quoted from: Karl Marx: Das Kapital. MEW 23: 675f.