Gilles Demarteau

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Gilles Demarteau: Nude, engraved after François Boucher . Second half of the 18th century.

Gilles Demarteau (born January 19, 1722 in Liège , † July 31, 1776 in Paris ) was a French engraver , etcher and art publisher.


Demarteau learned metal engraving and goldsmithing from his father, an armorer . In 1755 he founded in the Rue de la Pelleterie in Paris an engraver's workshop and an art publisher and published engravings in the new crayon . Between 1757 and 1759 he developed a method of printing chalk drawings deceptively real. In his workshop more than 500 sheets were created in chalk style , which were very popular because of their technical brilliance and their low prices. Diderot mentions his work several times in his salon reports. In December 1770 Louis XV appointed him . , King of France to the engraver du Roy for these Crayon-style prints and granted him a pension of 600 livres .


  • Alfred Micha: Les Graveurs liegeois . Bernard, Liège 1908.

Web links

Commons : Gilles Demarteau  - collection of images, videos and audio files