Gious Kambos

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Gious Kambos ( Greek Γιους Κάμπος ) is an approximately 2.5 km² plateau at about 800 meters above sea level in central Crete . The intensively agriculturally used plateau belongs to the area of ​​the municipality of Agios Vasilios in the regional district of Rethymno .


On the east-west axis, the plateau is exactly halfway between the Cretan villages of Spili and Gerakari . The road connecting the two places leads past her to the north, but does not affect her. In the south the plain is bounded by the mountain Agio Pnevma and the western foothills of the Kedros , in the north by the slopes of the Soros . Between the two southern mountains, an access from Kissos leads over a pass to the plain. The plateau lies on the border area between the two traditional districts ( eparchies ) Agios Basileos and Syvritos (Nefs Amari), i.e. the Amari basin. The Gious Kambos is an alluvial plain and therefore very fertile. Small hills made of limestone from the Pindus series and slate protrude in places above the ground level of the plain. The south-eastern part of the plain is drained south into the region around Spili, the smaller north-western part into the Amari Basin. Despite the intensive agricultural use for agriculture and horticulture, the plateau, whose climate differs from that of the significantly higher (Kedros) or significantly lower (Amari Basin, Spili Valley) surroundings, is home to a large variety of orchids and some endemic to Crete Plants. Among other things, the most important occurrence of the tulip Tulipa doerfleri is here . To protect the gardens and fields from the sometimes violent winds, they are fenced in by thick hedges .


The name Gious Kambos (pronounced: 'Jus Kambos') means 'Field of Io'. Io ( ancient Greek Ἰώ ) was one of the many lovers of the god Zeus , she was transformed into a cow by him to hide her from his wife Hera .


The Gious Kambos plain was the scene of one of the youngest vendettes in Crete: In August 2008 there was an armed conflict between two families from Kissos and Gerakari over pasture usage rights. A shepherd was shot and several others were seriously injured and admitted to the hospitals of Rethymno and Chania after receiving initial treatment at the health center in Spili.


  1. Creutzburg et al. 1977, General Geological Map of Greece: Crete Island, 1: 200000.- Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Athens
  2. Nicholas J. Turland et al. 2004: Weeds of the traditional agriculture of Crete. - Willdenowia 34 (2): 381-406. ( Online ; PDF; 389 kB)

Coordinates: 35 ° 12 ′ 35 ″  N , 24 ° 34 ′ 6 ″  E