Giovanni Alberti (painter)

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Giovanni Alberti (born October 19, 1558 in Sansepolcro , † August 10, 1601 in Rome ) was an Italian Renaissance painter .

San Silvestro al Quirinale

He was the brother of the painter and engraver Cherubino Alberti (1553–1615) and the painter Alessandro Alberti (1551–1596) and the son of the painter and architect Alberto di Giovanni Alberti (1525–1599).

He went to Rome, where he worked with his brothers for the Vatican, only under Gregory XIII. and then under Clement VIII. For example, they were involved in the decoration of the Sala Clementina, Sala degli Svizzeri and Sala dei Palafrenieri Vecchia in the Vatican, the sacristy of the Lateran Church and the Capella Maggiore of San Silvestro al Quirinale . Giovanni Alberti was responsible for the perspective and landscape and was considered a master in this field (for example, Ignazio Danti paid tribute to him in 1583). Besides Rome he worked in Sansepolcro, Mantua ( Palazzo Ducale with his brother Alessandro from 1586), Perugia and Florence.

Commemorative plaque to the Albertis in Sansepolcro

He is buried in the Chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome.

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