Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi

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Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi (* 1615 or 1618 in Florence ; † after 1669 ) was an Italian painter and etcher .

Live and act

Little is known about Galestruzzi's life. He was a student of Francesco Furini and in 1652 a member of the Accademia di San Luca , which owns a painting by him ( St. Madonna ). Two more pictures of him are said to be in the Palazzo Salviati in Rome .

As an etcher he was based on Stefano della Bella (1610–1664), with whom he was personally related. His technique is also compared with that of Giovanni Andrea Podestà (1608–1673). His main works include the etchings after Polidoro da Caravaggio's frieze paintings at the Palazzo Milesi in Rome, published in 1658 under the title “Opere di Polidore da Caravaggio”. Galestruzzi's most extensive and most interesting work are the gem replicas for Leonardo Agostini's work “Le gemme antiche figurate”. He has also etched the theater decorations by Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi for the opera “Il Trionfo della Pietà” and the decorations designed by Abbot Elpidio Benedetti for the funeral service of Cardinal Mazarin .


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Individual evidence

  1. Filippo Titi : Descrizione delle Pitture, sculture e Architetture esposte in Roma. Rome 1763, p. 31 .