Giovanni Sallustio Peruzzi

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Giovanni Sallustio Peruzzi (* 1511 / 12 in Siena ; † 1572 ) was an Italian architect and painter . He was the son of Baldassare Peruzzi .

In his career he worked for the Vatican for several years; u. a. He was entrusted with the preparation of rooms for the conclave of 1555 and the apartment of Paul IV. For the latter, Peruzzi planned and built the wall around the Roman Ghetto . Further restoration and fortification measures at the Castel Sant'Angelo were carried out under his direction; In this context, a draft for a portal was also made.

At the same time as Pirro Ligorio , Sallustio Peruzzi was involved in the construction of the Casino di Pio IV , St. Peter and various measures in the fortress construction.

In 1567 Peruzzi received a call to the court of Maximilian II ; Little is known about his construction there, however.
