Giovanni Zangrando

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Self-portrait 1940
Brochure " Thalia Pleasure Rides 1909" (view of Trieste)

Giovanni Zangrando (* 1867 in Trieste ; † September 15, 1941 ibid) was an Italian painter . From 1883 he studied for five years with a scholarship from the Associazione Italiana di Beneficenza at the Academy in Venice under the direction of G. Franco and L. and Pompeo Marino Molmenti. During his studies he worked as a draftsman for an architect. After successfully participating in the “Premio Cavos” competition, he was able to use the prize money to visit the Munich Academy of Fine Arts from December 14, 1888 to 1992 at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts , where he studied in the nature class with Nikolaus Gysis .

He later made friends with the dialect poet Cesare Pascarella in Rome. After a trip to Europe, during which he also stayed in Paris, he returned to Trieste in 1895. From 1904 to 1914 he ran a painting school together with his colleague Guido Grimani . The artist, who was valued in his time, mainly painted female portraits and nudes, for which he made sketches outdoors, often in the bay of Sistiana . There are also larger genre pictures, some self-portraits and depictions of nature (beach, forest) and, in a small number, pictures that give insights into urban landscapes. He also produced illustrations for advertising leaflets for Österreichischer Lloyd .

From 1902 to 1904 Zangrando again visited Vienna, Prague, Paris, Brussels and London. In 1906 Zangrando married his model Miet Schmidt.

After the outbreak of World War I , as an Austrian citizen of Italian nationality , he had to flee to Tuscany with his wife and young son Tullio .

From 1922 and almost continuously until 1938 he showed his works in a permanent gallery in Trieste. The last time Zangrando, who died in 1941, lived in his villa in the Scorcola district of Trieste.


  • Daniele D'Anza: Giovanni Zangrando 1867-1941 : Giovanni Rossi Editore: 2015: ISBN 889903303X

Web links

Commons : Giovanni Zangrando  - Collection of images, videos and audio files