Giuliano Nicolini

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Giuliano Nicolini ( March 25, 1913 in Stresa - April 6, 1945 in the Unterlüß subcamp ) was an Italian vinologist and officer in the Italian armed forces who was murdered by the National Socialists .


Nicolini completed a degree in agricultural engineering and oenology at the Regia Scuola di viticoltura ed enologia in Alba . He worked in the family business, a wine shop.

As a member of the fascist occupation army, he took part in battles in Albania and Montenegro in the rank of infantry lieutenant during World War II . On January 1, 1943, he was promoted to captain . After Hitler came to power in northern Italy in September 1943, he was one of those Italian soldiers who were unwilling to voluntarily take the side of the Nazi regime. He was arrested. “This was followed by a via crucis in a number of internment and concentration camps”: Stalag 307 in Dęblin-Irena (in today's Poland), Wesuwe, Oberlangen and Stalag XB in Sandbostel (all in Lower Saxony), then Stalag XD 310 prisoner of war camp and finally one subcamp of the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen . He was one of the 44 heroes of Unterlüß . As a result of the acts of resistance by the Italian military prisoners, he was exposed to cold, hunger and hard labor for up to eleven hours a day.

He was murdered by the Nazi regime on April 6, 1945 in the Unterlüß subcamp .

Return to the Homeland

In the early 1950s, his body was exhumed and transferred to his hometown. There he was buried at the municipal cemetery of Stresa with great sympathy among the population.

Honors and commemorations

Stumbling block for Giuliano Nicolini

On April 25, 1972, the city of Milan honored him as a martyr for freedom . In 1974 the regional parliament of Piedmont recognized him as a "political prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps and fighter for freedom". In February 2015 he was awarded the Medaglia d'Argento al Valor Militare in Avigliana , the Italian silver medal for bravery. On June 2, 2015, he was posthumously awarded the Medaglia d'onore ai cittadini italiani deportati e internati nei lager nazisti 1943-1945 , the medal of honor for Italian citizens who were deported and interned in Nazi concentration camps between 1943 and 1945.

On January 17, 2016, a stumbling block in memory of Nicolini was laid in front of his former residence in Stresa, in a small private street near Piazza Possi .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia: Giuliano Nicolini , February 13, 2015, accessed December 28, 2016.
  2. Dimenticato di Stato (I Caduti sepolti nei cimiteri militari italiani in Germania, Austria e Polonia): Nicolini, uno dei quarantaquattro eroi dimenticati , [Giuliano Nicolini, one of the 44 forgotten heroes], accessed on January 1, 2017
  3. Sabrina Frontera: Civilizzazione e coazione al lavoro , La resistenza dei 44 di Unterlüss, in: Libero, rassegna mensile informativo-culturale, ed. by the ANRP Associazione Nazionale Reduci dalla Prigionia, dall'Internamento, dalla Guerra di Liberazione e loro familiari, January / February 2015, accessed on January 13, 2017.
  4. ^ Verbania memo: Capitano Nicolini medaglia d'argento al valor militare , February 23, 2015, accessed on January 13, 2017
  5. Elena Spantaconi: STRESA RICORDA GIULIANO NICOLINI CON UNA STOLPERSTEINE , Il Vergante, January 13, 2016, accessed on January 12, 2017