Giuseppe Sogni

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Franz Josef I.

Giuseppe Sogni (born May 18, 1795 in Robbiano , Mediglia , † August 11, 1874 in Milan ) was an Italian portrait painter and teacher.

Sogni came to Milan with his family in 1804. After attending the military school in Pavia , Sogni studied from 1814 in Milan at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera sculpture with Camillo Pacetti and painting with Luigi Sabatelli.

In 1817 Sogni began restoring the portraits of the benefactors of the Ospedale Maggiore . From 1824 to 1834 he showed his works of historical character in the exhibitions of the Brera.

In 1827 Sogni was made a full member of the academy. In 1830 he went to Rome , where he devoted himself to religious painting .

In 1836 he was appointed professor of drawing at the Accademia Pontificia in Bologna. In 1838 he received the chair for painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. Giuseppe Sogni became an honorary member of the Accademia Pontificia di Bologna and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino .

Sogni created the fresco cycles “La Gloria di San Pietro” and “I quattro Profeti maggiori” (1846–48) for the Church of San Pietro al Rosario in Novara . In the next few years he received further orders for frescoes from private clients.

In 1855 he was awarded at the Paris World Exhibition .


Web links

Commons : Giuseppe Sogni  - collection of images, videos and audio files