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Superordinate : Laurasiatheria
Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Superfamily : Hare's mouths (Noctilionoidea)
Family : Leaf noses (Phyllostomidae)
Subfamily : Lance noses (Phyllostominae)
Genre : Glyphonycteris
Scientific name
Thomas , 1896

Glyphonycteris is a genus of bats from the family of leaf noses (Phyllostomidae). There are three types found in Central and South America. The taxon was originally introduced as a subgenus of Micronycteris . It has been listed as an independent genus since 1998.

Types and distribution

Mammal Species of the World (2005) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) differentiate between the following species:

The IUCN lists Glyphonycteris behnii as "insufficient data" ( data deficient ) and the other two as "not at risk" ( least concern ).


These bats resemble members of the genus Micronycteris in general physique. One of the distinctive features of Glyphonycteris is the lack of a connecting strip of skin between the ears. There are two skin calluses on the chin that together form a V. Of the metacarpal bones , the fourth is the shortest and the fifth is the longest. The spur ( calcar ) on the tail membrane is significantly smaller than the hind feet. The large upper incisors are almost the length of the canines.

The body measurements were mainly determined for Glyphonycteris daviesi . This species has a total length of about 80 mm, including the about 10 mm long tail. The ears are 17 to 28 mm long and the weight is 20 g. The other types are smaller. Glyphonycteris sylvestris is e.g. B. always lighter than 10 g. The easiest way to determine the species is to use the length of the forearm and the color of the fur on the back. In Glyphonycteris daviesi , the forearms are always longer than 50 mm and the back is a monochrome brownish color. In the few specimens of Glyphonycteris behnii found so far , the forearms were 45 to 47 mm long and the fur on the upper side was three-colored. The forearms of Glyphonycteris sylvestris are shorter than 44 mm and the back is also three-colored.

Way of life

Forests serve as habitat . Glyphonycteris behnii can also be found in the savannah landscape of Cerrado and in bushland. Nothing else is known about the way of life of this species. In the other two species, small colonies of up to 75 specimens rest in tree or rock hollows. They mainly hunt large insects that are carried to the resting place before being eaten. Fruits and smaller vertebrates, such as frogs, are a small part of the diet.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Ed.): Mammal Species of the World . A taxonomic and geographic Reference . 3. Edition. 2 volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 (English, Glyphonycteris ).
  2. a b c Glyphonycteris in the IUCN 2012 Red List of Threatened Species . Accessed January 28, 2015.
  3. ^ A b c Frank M. Clarke & Paul A. Racey: Discovery of the Bartica Bat Glyphonycteris daviesi (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Trinidad, West Indies . In: Acta Chiropterologica . tape 5 , no. 1 , 2003, p. 151-160 , doi : 10.3161 / 001.005.0113 .
  4. ^ Alfred L. Gardner (Ed.): Mammals of South America . tape 1 . University of Chicago Press, 2008, ISBN 0-226-28240-6 , pp. 258-260 ( Glyphonycteris ).