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Emperor Go-Murakami ( Japanese 後 村上 天皇 , Go-Murakami-tennō ; * 1328 ; † March 29, 1368 ) was the 97th Emperor of Japan (September 18, 1339– March 29, 1368). He was a son of the Emperor Go-Daigo . His name as a prince was Noriyoshi or Norinaga ( 義 良 ).

Go-Murakami continued the fight against the north court, but with no more success than his father. But decisions by the Ashikaga shogunate were beneficial for him. In 1351, when Shogun Ashikaga Takauji in Kanto was staying, attacked Kusunoki Masanori (楠木正儀; † 1390) and Kitabatake Akiyoshi (北畠顕能; 1326-1383) Kyoto, where she two emperors retired, namely Kōgon and Komyo and captured the incumbent emperor Suko of the north court. Go-Murakami moved into the capital, but was soon ousted from Kyōto by Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiakira and had to retreat to the south courtyard in Yoshino . He took three prisoners with him, whom he only released five years later. In 1358 he was attacked in his refuge Yoshino, fled to Mount Kongo (金剛山) in the Kawachi province and then to Sumiyoshi ( Settsu province ). There he died after watching many of his followers surrender to the Ashikaga.


  1. a b During this time the imperial court was divided into a north and a south court (see Namboku-chō ).


  • Papinot, Edmond: Go-Murakami-tennō, 後 村上 天皇 . In: Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Reprinted by Tuttle, 1972 edition of 1910 edition. ISBN 0-8048-0996-8 .
predecessor Office successor
Go-Daigo Emperor of Japan