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Godziszewo (German Gardschau ) is a village in the powiat Starogardzki of the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship . It belongs to the Gmina (municipality) Skarszewy .

Geographical location

Godziszewo is located in West Prussia , about eight kilometers northeast of Skarszewy ( Schöneck in West Prussia ), 15 kilometers north of Starogard Gdański ( Prussian Stargard ) and 32 kilometers south of Danzig ( Gdańsk ).


Godziszewo (at that time Garczau ) south of Danzig (in the picture on the right, can be enlarged by clicking), northeast of Schöneck in West Prussia and north of Prussian Stargard on a map from 1910.

Godziszewo (originally Godesewe , then Gotzow , later Godczau , Garczau and Gartschau ) is an old church village in the region of the historic Prussian province of West Prussia . The village had belonged to the Teutonic Order . During the Prussian City War , it was plundered several times between 1454 and 1457.

In 1258, Johann von Weißenburg , a knight from the retinue of Sambor II , donated the village and 50 hooves in Mahlenyno to the Pelplin monastery . In 1301 it becomes the property of the Bishop of Leslau . On 17 May 1336 this gives it the at the Warta River in the province Kalisch located Cistercian monastery Ląd that directly to the Archdiocese of Gniezno shelter. This affiliation of Gardschau is said to be later in a bull of Pope Calixt III. (1378–1458) from 1457 have been confirmed. In another document Zbigniew Oleśnicki (~ 1430-1493), who was a nephew of Cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki (1389-1455) and who held the office of Bishop of Kujawien in the period 1473-1480, also confirmed this affiliation with Gardschau.

During the Thirty Years' War Gardschau was robbed and devastated in 1636 and again in 1657 by troops of the Swedish King Gustaf Adolf . The family crypt of the von der Linde family in the village church was not spared.

After the First World War , Germany had to cede the village, which lies in the area of ​​the Polish Corridor , to Poland under the so-called Treaty of Versailles . After the attack on Poland in 1939, Godziszewo was annexed by the German Reich in violation of international law , and since the end of the Second World War it has been back on Polish territory.

In 2008 Godziszewo had 518 inhabitants.


Gardschau had a Catholic church. The names of some pastors who preached in the church of Gardschau before the middle of the 19th century are known from chronicles.

  • Caspar Długoss January 30, 1636 - November 1636
  • Father Georg 1636–1637
  • Anton Libaber 1743–1754 and 1763–1772
  • Waller, around 1853

Sons and daughters of the place



  • Bernhard Stadie: The district of Stargard in West Prussia in historical terms from the oldest times until now. Part II: Historical notes about the individual villages in the district . In: Prussian provincial sheets . Volume 72, Königsberg 1869, pp. 289-314 and pp. 699-726 , especially pp. 301-302.
  • Ernst Strehlke: The Gardschauer Chronicle . In: New Prussian Provincial Papers . Another series, Volume V (born 1854, January - June), Königsberg 1854, pp. 179–192.

Web links


  1. a b c Ernst Strehlke: The Gardschauer Chronicle . In: Prussian provincial sheets . Volume V (born 1854, January - June), Königsberg 1854, pp. 179–192.