Golomb-Dickman constant

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The Golomb-Dickman constant is a mathematical constant from combinatorics and number theory . On the one hand it represents the asymptotic expected value of the relative length of the longest cycle of a random permutation , on the other hand it gives the asymptotic expected value of the relative number of digits of the largest prime factor of a natural number . The constant is named after the US mathematician Solomon W. Golomb and the Swedish actuary Karl Dickman , who discovered it independently of each other.


The Golomb-Dickman constant is defined as

  (Follow A084945 in OEIS ),

where are the logarithm of integral and the integral exponential function .


Cycles in permutations

Denotes the number of disjoint cycles of the length of a permutation , then is

the length of the longest cycle of . For the expected value of the relative length of the longest cycle of a ( uniformly distributed ) random permutation of the length, the following applies asymptotically


Here the Dickman function is the unambiguous, continuous solution of the delay differential equation

with .

Prime factors

Denotes the largest prime factor of a random natural number , then applies

for with the Dickman function . It follows from this


The constant therefore also indicates the asymptotic expected value of the relative number of digits of the largest prime factor of a natural number. In general, even the total distribution of the number of digits of the prime factors of a natural number corresponds asymptotically to the distribution of the lengths of the cycles of a random permutation.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Steven R. Finch : Mathematical Constants . Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 284-292 .
  2. ^ Larry A. Shepp , Stuart P. Lloyd : Ordered cycle lengths in a random permutation . In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. No. 121 , 1966, pp. 350-557 .
  3. ^ Solomon W. Golomb : Random permutations . In: Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. No. 70 , 1964, pp. 747 .
  4. ^ Karl Dickman : On the frequency of numbers containing prime factors of a certain relative magnitude . In: Arkiv för Mat., Astron. och Fys. 22A, 1930, p. 1-14 .
  5. ^ Donald E. Knuth , Luis Trabb Pardo: Analysis of a simple factorization algorithm . In: Theor. Comput. Sci. No. 3 , 1976, p. 321-348 .

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