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Structural formula
Mass / length primary structure 10 amino acids
External IDs
Drug information
ATC code L02 AE03
DrugBank DB00014
Drug class Antiandrogens

Goserelin (trade name Zoladex ® ; manufacturer AstraZeneca ) is a drug that is used to suppress sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone . It belongs to the group of analogs of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone , which is used, among other things, in the treatment of prostate and breast cancer .

Clinical information

Application areas (indications)

Areas of application for goserelin are prostate cancer, breast cancer, transsexuality , endometriosis (mostly benign growth of the uterine lining ), uterine myoma (benign tumor of the uterus) and endometrial ablation (removal of the lining of the uterus). The active ingredient is also used in reproductive medicine.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Goserelin should not be used during pregnancy, as there is theoretically a risk of miscarriage or deformity of the unborn child. Goserelin should also not be used during breastfeeding .

Adverse effects (side effects)

Pharmacological properties

Mechanism of action (pharmacodynamics)

Goserelin overstimulates the pituitary gland , so that initially more luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone and thus estrogens are formed, whereby testosterone is broken down into estrogen. However, the hormone production subsides after about 2–4 weeks.

Trade names

Zoladex (D, A, CH)

Individual evidence

  1. Björn Lemmer , Georges Fülgraff (Ed.): Pharmacotherapy, clinical pharmacology . 14., revised. and updated edition. Springer, Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-10540-1 , pp. 165 .