Gottfried Biewer

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Gottfried Biewer, 2014

Gottfried Biewer (born February 23, 1955 in Hermeskeil ) is a German educational scientist and university professor .

Live and act

After working as a special education teacher in school, Biewer worked as a research assistant at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and was a professor at the University of Giessen . Since 2004 he has been professor of special and curative education at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Vienna , where he heads the field of curative and inclusive education .

In technical terms, it stands for the establishment of educational reform- oriented teaching with handicapped children in special schools and in school integration. In an empirical study at the beginning of the 1990s, he was able to show that Maria Montessori's didactic approach with freelance work can also be implemented in schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. As early as the late 1990s, as part of his habilitation (published in 2001 under the title "From the integration model for the disabled to school for all children"), he established the connection between the integration debate in German-speaking countries and the discourse on "inclusive schools" in the Anglo-American language area, which only received increased attention in Germany with the ratification of the UN Disability Rights Convention from 2009 onwards.

He defines inclusive education as “theories of education, upbringing and development that reject labeling and classifications, start with the rights of vulnerable and marginalized people, advocate their participation in all areas of life and aim for a structural change in the regular institutions in order to achieve the To meet the diversity of requirements and needs of all users ”. The focus of his scientific work is the interface between inclusive education and curative and special education from an international and comparative perspective. In this context, he has led several research projects in recent years, including:

  • Professional participation of people with intellectual disabilities , financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (duration February 1, 2008 to January 31, 2013). In this basic research project, the experiences of participation and exclusion of two groups of people were examined by means of biographical interviews. It was young people who left school and were looking for a way into the labor market, but also people who had been mainly working in a replacement labor market for many years. For the first time in a larger research project in German-speaking countries, experience was gained on how people with intellectual disabilities can be included in the interpretation of qualitative data via a reference group. The project also examined the transition situation of a complete year of schoolchildren in Austria who were taught according to the curriculum of the general special school and the school for the severely disabled in special schools and integration classes.
  • Classifications of disabilities in the field of education (CLASDISA) (running from February 1, 2010 to January 31, 2015, funded by the FWF). Together with universities in Bangkok and Addis Ababa, this project investigated barriers and support factors for children with disabilities in educational settings in Austria, Thailand and Ethiopia. The research aimed at finding out about the relationship between education, culture, society and disability in industrialized, emerging and developing countries. Between 2010 and 2013, the project team collected quantitative and qualitative data from parents, teachers, children and experts in Vienna, Bangkok and Addis Ababa in several parallel and largely simultaneously.
  • Responding to poverty and disability through higher education and research (RESPOND-HER) , cooperation project with Addis Ababa University (running from October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014, financed by Austrian Development Cooperation as part of the APPEAR program). The project aimed at access to tertiary education for people with disabilities in Ethiopia and at access to the labor market for university graduates with disabilities. The project succeeded for the first time in investigating the situation of disabled students and university graduates in Ethiopia and in initiating a network to raise awareness of their situation in 11 universities in all parts of the country. In addition, joint research was developed with Austrian scientists and there was an exchange of teaching staff between the universities in Vienna and Addis Ababa. The INEDIS (Inclusion in Education for Persons with Disabilities) project will continue these activities in an expanded framework until 2020.
  • Qualitative tracking with young people with disabilities in European states (Quali-TYDES) , project of the European Science Foundation (ESF) with funding from the FWF (duration of the Austrian part: September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2015). Quali-TYDES, together with universities in Dublin, Prague and Madrid, researched how changes in legislation in Europe have influenced the lives of people with disabilities. On the basis of biographical interviews with young adults between the ages of 20 and 30, the country-specific effects of the introduction of school integration and social legislation that is more oriented towards the rights of disabled people could be demonstrated.


  • Gertraud Kremsner / Michelle Proyer / Gottfried Biewer (2020): Inclusion of teachers after the escape. About university training to get back to work . Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt ( ISBN 978-3-7815-2358-6 ). ( )
  • Gottfried Biewer / Michelle Proyer / Gertraud Kremsner (2019): Inclusive School and Diversity . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. ( ISBN 978-3-17-034737-3 ).
  • Gottfried Biewer / Michelle Proyer (eds.) (2019): Disability and Society. A university contribution to the commemorative year 2018 . Vienna: University of Vienna. ( )
  • Gottfried Biewer (2017): Fundamentals of Curative Education and Inclusive Education (3rd, revised and expanded edition). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt (UTB). ( ISBN 978-3-8252-4694-5 ).
  • Ingeborg Hedderich / Gottfried Biewer / Judith Hollenweger / Reinhard Markowetz (eds.) (2016): Handbuch Inklusion und Sonderpädagogik . Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt (UTB) ( ISBN 978-3-8252-8643-9 )
  • Gottfried Biewer / Eva Theresa Böhm / Sandra Schütz (eds.) (2015): Inclusive Education in Secondary School . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. ( ISBN 978-3-17-029727-2 ).
  • Andrea Strachota / Gottfried Biewer / Wilfried Datler (eds.) (2009): Curative Education: Pedagogy in Diversity. Prevention - interaction - rehabilitation. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. ( ISBN 978-3-7815-1620-5 ).
  • Gottfried Biewer / Mikael Luciak / Mirella Schwinge (eds.) (2008): Encounter and Difference: People - Countries - Cultures. Contributions to curative and special education. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. ( ISBN 978-3-7815-1577-2 ).
  • Gottfried Biewer (2001): From the integration model for the disabled to school for all children. Neuwied, Berlin: Luchterhand (also habilitation thesis at the University of Koblenz-Landau). ( ISBN 3-407-56163-6 ).
  • Gottfried Biewer (1997): Montessori pedagogy with mentally handicapped students (2nd edition). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt (also dissertation at the University of Würzburg 1991). ( ISBN 3-7815-0872-2 ).
  • Gottfried Biewer / Petra Reinhartz (eds.) (1997): Pedagogy of the aesthetic . Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. ( ISBN 3-7815-0904-4 ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gottfried Biewer's personal website at the University of Vienna
  2. Gottfried Biewer (1997): Montessori pedagogy with mentally handicapped students (2nd edition). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. ( ISBN 3-7815-0872-2 )
  3. Gottfried Biewer (2010): Fundamentals of Curative Education and Inclusive Education (2nd edition). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt (UTB), p. 193, ( ISBN 978-3-8252-2985-6 )
  4. Homepage of the project "Professional participation"
  5. Homepage of the CLASDISA project (English)
  6. Homepage of the RESPOND-HER project (English)
  7. Homepage of the INEDIS project (English)
  8. Homepage of the Quali-TYDES project (English)