Gotthilf Wilhelm Schwartze

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Gotthilf Wilhelm Schwartze (born February 13, 1787 in Weißenfels , †  October 11, 1855 in Leipzig ) was a German physician and university professor.


Schwartze was in 1811 in Leipzig for Dr. phil. et med. PhD. He then stayed in the university town, taught (with interruptions) at the medical faculty, and since the winter semester of 1820 as an associate professor .

He published numerous specialist texts and was from 1834 editor of Carl Christian Schmidt (1793-1855) founded "Yearbooks of domestic and foreign entire medicine".


  • Pharmacological tables , 2 volumes, Leipzig 1819–1826 (2nd edition 1833–1839)
  • Elster health resort in Voigtlande, Saxony, its properties and healing powers, checked through our own observation and experience. Along with an introduction to the origin and nature of mineral springs , Leipzig 1854

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