Governo Sombra

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The ex- Gato Fedorento Ricardo Araújo Pereira belongs to the shadow cabinet

Governo Sombra ( Portuguese for shadow cabinet ) is a satirical - cabaret radio and television show in Portugal . It is a talk show that uses debates and panel discussions to deal with current events in a humorous or ironic way.

The program is moderated by Carlos Vaz Marques with the participation of João Miguel Tavares, Pedro Mexia and Ricardo Araújo Pereira as alleged ministers of a fictional shadow government. The program has been broadcast on the radio station TSF since 2008 and was also shown on the television station TVI 24 between 2012 and 2019 . On January 3, 2020, when Ricardo Araújo Pereira moved from TVI to SIC , the debate program switched to the SIC main program and has been broadcast there since the premiere on the new channel on January 10, 2020, at the previously usual time on Friday evening.

In 2017, the program won the Portuguese Society of Authors' Award for Best Radio Program.

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal from March 2, 2020 and the following exit restrictions , the Governo Sombra team also began to connect to broadcasts individually from home and also to publish this on the Internet.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SIC Notícias | Ministro do Estado, Ministro da guerra e Ministro do spoiler. Retrieved March 25, 2020 (European Portuguese).
  2. Governo Sombra sobre a nova pandemia: “A nossa relação com o nojo pode explicar a obsessão com o papel higiénico”. Retrieved March 25, 2020 (European Portuguese).
  3. ▶ Vídeo: Os pássaros ″ topam o inverno, porque é que nicht hão-de topar um aeroporto? ″. February 23, 2020, accessed March 25, 2020 (Portuguese).
  4. ▶ Video: Ricardo Araújo Pereira: ″ Há símios no estádio. Não estão é no relvado! ″. February 23, 2020, accessed March 25, 2020 (Portuguese).
  5. Broadcast of the Governo Sombra on March 26, 2020 , recorded on YouTube , accessed on March 26, 2020