Eubius' tomb

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In front the burial area of ​​Eubios, behind the burial area of ​​Koroibos
The three steles seen from the rear in today's arrangement
Elevation drawing of the burial precinct (1909)

The burial area of ​​Eubios from the Demos Potamos , hence also called the burial area of ​​the Potamians , is a preserved grave ensemble of Kerameikos , the most important and largest ancient cemetery in Athens .

The burial area of Eubios is on the north side of the grave road, to the left of the burial area of Koroibos with the famous grave stele of Hegeso . The 8.85 meter long and 1.92 meter high facade is very well preserved. It was built from polygonal limestone blocks from Athens' castle hill , the originally white plaster has not been preserved in situ . A row of Corinthian roof tiles forms the end of the wall. The burial district houses the graves of a family from the Demos Potamos and was already in the 5th century BC. Created. During the destruction of the year 338 BC It was badly affected, but then rebuilt and used by the same family. As the inscriptions show, the tomb was owned by the family for at least three generations. With Archias, a person is also buried here who appears in a list of officials for the year 304/303 BC. Found again.

Three grave monuments have been preserved to this day and one original and two copies are in their original location. The central element is the pillar of the Bion . The 2.34 meter high column was erected for Bion, a son of Eubius. The Doric marble column stands on a round base and still shows the remains of a marble loutrophore on the capital . Another later inscription is for Archicles, son of Archias . To the left of this is a copy of a marble field stele . This stele of Euphrosyne and Eubios is 1.71 meters high. On the stele there are several inscriptions of people buried here. Euphrosyne and Eubios, the children of Phanippos, are named above the rosettes above the picture field in the upper half of the column. The column was originally set up for them. In addition, Bion is mentioned again. Further names were later added below the image field: Dexikleia, daughter of Philion from the Demos Oie and Archias, who was also the son of Eubius. A copy of the grave stele for Menios, Eubios and Demetrios, reconstructed from a fragment, is placed on the right of the central column .

The grave monuments were found early on during the excavations of the Athens Archaeological Society by Athanasios S. Rhousopoulos (1823–1898) in 1870. During later excavations by the German Archaeological Institute between 1935 and 1938 under the direction of Karl Kübler , the grave district and its graves were exposed and then restored.


Web links

Commons : Tomb of Eubius  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. IG II² 488.5 .
  2. IG II² 7257 .
  3. IG II² 7263 .
  4. IG II² 11360 .

Coordinates: 37 ° 58 '43.2 "  N , 23 ° 43' 0.1"  E