Gratien Le Père

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Gratien Le Père (born June 2, 1769 in Versailles , † August 1, 1826 in Poitiers ) was a senior engineer in what was then the Corps des ingénieurs des ponts et chaussées .

He was a classmate of Napoleon at the École royale militaire in Brienne-le-Château and took part in Napoleon's Egyptian expedition to Egypt with his older brother Jacques-Marie Le Père and a total of 157 members of the Commission des sciences et des arts in 1798/99 in general, and in particular, the opportunity to explore the Mediterranean via the Nile Delta and a canal to connect with the Red Sea .

He and his brother and other engineers carried out a survey and mapping of the Isthmus of Suez under difficult conditions , as a result of which it was determined that the water level of the Red Sea was about 9 m higher than that of the Mediterranean - an error that was not made until 1847 was finally cleared up.

The members of the commission drew up the Description de l'Égypte , a multi-volume report on their investigations, in which, among other things, the maps of the Nile Delta and the survey results are reproduced.

In a list of engineers at this plant, Gratien Le Père is listed as Ingénieur en chef des ponts et chaussées . In the title page of Mémoire sur la ville d'Alexandrie he is referred to as Ingénieur en chef au Corps Royal des Ponts et Chaussées , while his brother is referred to as the author of Mémoire sur La Vallée du Nil on the title page as: M. Le Père aîné, Inspecteur divisionnaire des Ponts et Chaussées, Membre de l'Institut d'Égypte .

Gratien Le Père (written separately, contrary to the usual spelling in the literature) should not be confused with Jean-Baptiste Lepère (written together), who also took part in the Egyptian expedition, but as an architect had nothing to do with surveying and mapping.

Reviews for Description de l'Égypte

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Maps of Egypt on
  2. ^ Jacques-Marie Le Père: Mémoire sur la communication de la mer des Indes à la Méditerranée par la mer Rouge et l'Isthme de Sueys. In: Description de l'Égypte. Volume 11, Paris 1822, pp. 37-369; therein: Extrait du Journal historique et géologique du Nivellement de l'Isthme de Soueys, par le Canal des deux mers. P. 318–351, with: Résultat de la Différence de level des deux Mers: 9.908 mètres Mer Rouge supérieure à la Méditerranée , p. 336 ( full text in the Google book search)
  3. ^ Title page, p. 383 and p. 555 of the 18th volume
  4. Excerpts in Description del l'Égypte , Volume 16, État Moderne, Paris 1825, pp. 199–227 ( digitized on Google Books)