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Creation time : not clear
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Soerup
Geographical location 54 ° 44 '28.2 "  N , 9 ° 36' 58.4"  E Coordinates: 54 ° 44 '28.2 "  N , 9 ° 36' 58.4"  E
Grauburg (Schleswig-Holstein)

The Grauburg is a defunct Niederungsburg in a wooded area on Lake Winderatter near Sörup in Schleswig-Holstein .


The Grauburg is easy to locate on today's maps. The road "Zur Grauburg" ( Lage ) leads to the village of Winderatt, from where it continues as a winding path to Grauburg am Winderatter See. To build the castle, a natural moraine dome of 150 × 250 meters in size rising from a meadow was used , which is located about 20 to 30 meters south of the Winderatter lake. The dome, which is now wooded, was divided into two unequal halves by an artificial section ditch ( location ). The 100-meter-long, 12-meter-wide and three to four-meter-deep trench, running in a north-south direction, is accompanied on both sides by walls around 1.2 meters high. The slope of the smaller eastern part of the moraine dome ( location ) is quite steep and up to 3 meters high. The edge of the western part of the moraine dome ( location ) is artificially sloped up to 2 meters high. A stream coming from the south-east flows towards the castle complex and divides in front of the summit into an arm that runs further west, which now seeps into the swampy lowland, and an east arm that curves around the castle northeast and flows into the lake. The castle, thus enclosed by the water, obviously belonged to the type of moated castles .

In addition to the silted-up moat remains, a stone dam was apparently preserved, which lies below the surface of the water, but is still visible from the lake shore at times. According to a report by Sörup pastor Barfod from 1855, the Steindamm led north through the lake and thus connected the Grauburg with Alt-Seegaard . Jakob Röschmann reported on the Steindamm: “The fabulous Steindamm could be observed in a strange way in January 1960 when measuring the castle hill. About 10 meters east of the mouth of the stream, stone piles of head-sized and larger stones were observed on the lakeshore below the water level. On the ice cover of the lake had been a light blanket of snow, which had now thawed away on the entire ice surface in the thaw, except for a three to four meter wide, white stripe that led straight north from the pile of stones across the lake. ” Steindamms, however, has not yet been clarified with certainty.

Legend of the fall of the Grauburg and the founding of Winderatt

A mighty castle, the Grauburg, which belonged to the noble family of the Lords of Winde, was once reflected in the bright waters of the Winderatter See . All of the land in the Winderatter area belonged to them. But the last bearer of the proud name and his wife had only daughters, no son who could have carried the name on. When Herr von Winde's wife suddenly died, he desperately divided the land of the noble farm into six equal parts and gave them as a dowry to his flourishing daughters, who married capable farmers and with whom they immediately founded the village of Winderatt. But the castle with its splendid rooms, with all its knights, servants and maidservants, sank into the ground after the death of the father. Foxes dug their burrows in the remaining ditch edges and took up quarters. According to tradition, an underground passage and the like can still be found there.

The legend of the fall of the Grauburg contains a founding myth regarding Winderatts, which is comparable to that of the knight Fleno in Flensburg. In addition, the saga has a slight resemblance to the Flensburg saga of Eddeboe , as well as the saga of the Duburg area .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Arthur Dähn: Ring walls and tower mounds. Medieval castles in Schleswig-Holstein, Husum 2001, page 367
  2. a b Jakob Röschmann : Prehistory of the Flensburg district . The prehistoric and early historical monuments and finds in Schleswig-Holstein, Volume 6. Neumünster 1963, page 92
  3. Marsch und Föde, Stiftungsland Winderatter See , accessed on: March 21, 2017
  4. See Foundation Land Winderatter See , pages 1 and 2
  5. a b c d e f Jakob Röschmann : Prehistory of the Flensburg district . The prehistoric and early historical monuments and finds in Schleswig-Holstein, Volume 6. Neumünster 1963, page 652
  6. See map in: Jakob Röschmann : Prehistory of the Flensburg district . The prehistoric and early historical monuments and finds in Schleswig-Holstein, Volume 6. Neumünster 1963, page 89
  7. Gundula Hubrich-Messow: Legends and fairy tales from fishing , Husum 1987, page 73