Grazio Cossali

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Apparition of Saints Faustinus and Jovita in defense of Brescia , 1603, Church of Saints Faustinus and Jovita, Brescia

Grazio Cossali (* 1563 in Orzinuovi ; † December 4, 1629 in Brescia ) was an Italian painter.

Crucifixion , 1615, Santi Gervasio e Protasio , Nadro di Ceto


The painter Grazio Cossali lived between Brescia and Cremona and painted numerous churches and buildings with frescoes in these places. He was a student of his painter colleague Luca Mombello and a student of Moretto . From 1587 onwards, Cossali began working closely with the Dominican order, which is probably due to a member of the order. The painting of the Manna rain already shows the artistic development that turned to Mannerism.

In the years 1590–1600, numerous works were installed in the area of ​​Brescia and in places further away from his native city. While he was working in the Brescia area, other artists took over his work.

In two letters from Agostino Giannotti, dated October 21 and 28, 1626, one can read that Cossali still lives "with his whole family" in Orzinuovi and that he will send his son Giacomo to Milan for his business. These letters and the fact that there are no works dated after 1626 suggest that he was no longer in good health and preferred that his son Giacomo, also a painter, take over the workshop.

Tradition has it that Cossali died in 1630 when his son shot a gun from a hook. The death certificate of the Church of S. Agata in Brescia dated December 4, 1629 does not contain any information on the cause of death.

The Orzinuovi college named after him includes the high school for science, linguistics, humanities, and various technical and professional areas.


  • The Last Supper (1580) Church of Pudiano - signed and dated: GRATIUS DECOSSALIBUS URCEARUM FATIE… MDLXXX ;
  • Manna Rain (1587), with self-portrait, Cremona , Palazzo Comunale
  • Mystical marriage of St. Catherine with St. Faustinus and Jovita, Vinzenz Ferreri and Sebastian Ghedi , Santa Maria Assunta, around 1600 ;
  • Annunciation (1600) Santa Maria Assunta, Valgoglio ;
  • Apparition of Saints Faustinus and Jovita in defense of Brescia (1603) Santi Faustino and Giovita, Brescia;
  • The Cross appears to Constantine (1606) Old Cathedral (Chapel of the Holy Cross), Brescia;
  • Entombment (1613) from the former church of San Domenico in Brescia, now in the parish church of Pontevico ;
  • Saint Charles gives Orzinuovi to the Virgin (1613) Parish Church of Orzinuovi - signed and dated: GRATIUS COSSALIS FAC. MDCXIII ;
  • Our Lady of Sorrows with Christ and St. Francis, Thomas, Karl Borromeo and a Donor (1613) San Domenico in Orzinuovi - signed: GRATIUS COSSALIS FAC. 1613 ;
  • Saint Charles Borromeo presented Orzinuovi to the Virgin (1614) in the Church of Santa Maria del Carnerio in Orzinuovi ;
  • Crucifixion (1615) Santi Gervasio and Protasio in Nadro in Val Camonica - signed and dated;
  • Elias and Angels (ca.1620) Church of Carnerio in Orzinuovi .


  • Presentation in the temple , Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Brescia;
  • Ballroom of the Palazzo Avogadro (today Spada) in Brescia;
  • Refectory of the Olivetan Abbey of San Nicola ( Rodengo-Saiano );
  • some paintings in the church of San Lorenzo ( Calvagese della Riviera ).

Attributed to:

  • Coronation of the Virgin Mary , San Domenico in Orzinuovi ;
  • Altarpiece depicting Saint George with the dragon, in the Church of the Archpriest of San Zenone in Caino .
  • Madonna and Child with Saints John, Archangel Michael and Abbot Anthony in the Church of San Michele, 1627


  • L. Anelli: Grazio Cossali, pittore orceano . Orzinuovi 1978 (Italian).
  • Maria Farquhar: Biographical catalog of the principal Italian painters . Ed .: Ralph Nicholson Wornum. Woodfall & Children, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London, 1855, p. 50 (English, ).
  • Federico Nicoli Cristiani: Della Vita delle pitture di Lattanzio Gambara; Memorie Storiche aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a 'più celebri ed eccelenti pittori Bresciani . Spinelli e Valgiti, Brescia, 1807, p. 152-153 (Italian, ).

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Commons : Grazio Cossali  - collection of images, videos and audio files