Grete Volters

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Margarethe "Grete" Volters , born in Margarethe Lauer (born October 15, 1901 in Vienna ; † November 1996, ibid.) Was an Austrian costume designer.

Live and act

The daughter of a bank attorney attended secondary school and then received specialist training at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna . Then Grete Volters worked for many decades as a costume designer at several prominent Viennese theaters such as the Volkstheater, the Volksoper and above all the Burgtheater. At the “Burg” she also got to know her future husband, the actor, director, lecturer and deputy theater director Eduard Volters . In the 1960s, several of Grete Volters' outfits at the Bregenz Festival have been documented: for example, she supplied a production of Swan Lake in 1966 and another of The Merry Widow in 1968 .

From 1952 to 1965 Grete Volters also designed the costumes for a number of Austrian cinema films and, within just a decade, dressed a wealth of partly important and partly popular artists, including Luise Ullrich , Theo Lingen , Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff , Heinz Erhardt , Gert Fröbe , Hansjörg Felmy , Brigitte Horney , Heidemarie Hatheyer , Lilli Palmer , Charles Boyer and Ewald Balser . She had already decorated the latter in Burgtheater productions such as Henrik Ibsen'sNora or Ein Puppenheim ” (1956). Grete Volters died shortly after her 95th birthday.



  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1804.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the film archive Kay Less , Glenzdorf gives the wrong year of birth 1907
  2. Swan Lake on
  3. Volters: “ The Merry Widow on
  4. Grete Volters on IbsenStage