Grigory Richter

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Grigorij Richters in Potsdam (2018)

Grigorij Richters (also Grig or Greg, born May 21, 1987 in Hamburg , Germany) is a German director , film producer and activist .


Richters began making short films when he was six. In Hamburg he attended the Johanneum School of Academics . In 2003 Richters moved to the UK, where he attended Hurtwood House boarding school. There he graduated from high school and won a directing award. In 2004 he produced the short film Dean's Film , which was shown at various film events. Catherine Flemming played the lead female role. The film was co-produced by Sony / ATV Music Publishing .

In 2006 Richters worked as an assistant for the producers Jens Meurer and Judy Tossell at their company Egoli Tossell Film .

In 2010 Richters moved to London, where he worked for Kevin Spacey at the Old Vic Theater until 2014 . With Spacey he produced the film Old Vic: Tunnels . During this time he also produced his first full-length feature film, 51 Degrees North . Brian May wrote the music for the film. The film premiered at the 2014 Starmus Festival in the Canary Islands. In 2014 he founded Asteroid Day with Queen guitarist Brian May and the Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart . On December 6, 2016, all members of the United Nations voted unanimously for the appointment of June 30 as World Asteroid Day. The International Astronomical Union named the asteroid 8664 Grigorijrichters after Richters. Richters initiated the documentary about activist Stephen Sutton before he passed away in 2014. The film has not been released until April 2019. Richters walked from Paris to Berlin in 2018, taking a million steps to draw attention to the fate of almost 1,000 orphaned children who are currently stuck in Greek refugee camps.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. IMDB entry for Dean's film
  2. Hilde (2009) - IMDb. Accessed May 1, 2019 .
  3. Mark Prigg: Don't look up! 360 degree video reveals the hidden threats Earth faces from 5,000 nearby asteroids . In: The Daily Mail , June 30, 2015. Retrieved December 15, 2018. 
  4. ^ Rotten Tomatoes website about 51 Degrees, Film.
  5. Stones in Space. Retrieved April 30, 2019 .
  6. JPL Small-Body Database Browser | 8664 Grigorijrichters (1991 GR1). Jet Propulsion Laboratory , June 21, 2016, accessed April 8, 2019 .
  7. "Stephen Sutton: Footage of Ibiza holiday 'will be film'" BBC 15 May 2014.
  8. Alice Cuddy: German filmmaker begins 1,400 km walk from Paris to Berlin for refugee children , Euronews, October 28, 2018.
  9. Chris Baynes: Germany neo-Nazis draw swastikas on van of Jewish man walking 1,000 miles for refugee children . In: The Independent , November 27, 2018. Retrieved December 15, 2018. 
  10. Sabrina Bauer: Grigorij Richters runs from Paris to Berlin . In: General-Anzeiger , November 13, 2018. Retrieved December 15, 2018. 
  11. Jim Mülder: From Paris to Berlin in 34 days . In: Tagesspiegel , December 9, 2018. Retrieved December 15, 2018.