Wholesale and storage trade association

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The wholesale and storage trade association (short: GroLa BG ) was a commercial trade association and thus the carrier of the statutory accident insurance . On January 1, 2008, it merged with the retail trade association to form the trade association for trade and goods distribution (BGHW for short). This created a new statutory accident insurance provider for a total of 4.1 million insured persons in around 410,000 companies in the retail, wholesale and distribution sectors.


The member companies included around 120,000 wholesale and logistics companies . A total of around 2.1 million people were insured against occupational accidents and diseases with the GroLa BG (as of 2005). When GroLa BG was founded on July 1, 1886, it included 6,500 companies with 54,000 employees.


Administration building of the wholesale and storage trade association in Berlin-Wilmersdorf (built 1925–26)

In addition to the head office in Mannheim , GroLa BG maintained district administrations at eight locations (Berlin, Bremen, Essen, Gera, Hamburg, Mainz, Mannheim and Munich).


Insurance benefits in 2005:

reportable accidents at work 62,641
Show suspected occupational disease 1,523
Number of ongoing retirement cases 45,290
Additions 2005 1,882
Compensation payments EUR 423.5 million

Material jurisdiction

A company's membership of the trade association is based on Section 122 ff., Book 7 of the Social Code . The factual responsibility of a professional association is determined by the type and object of the company. The legal basis for the assignment are the Federal Council resolutions passed since 1885, which are still applicable today. According to this, the wholesale and storage trade association is responsible for all operations for the treatment, handling, management and control of goods. The wholesale and storage trade association is therefore not only - as one might assume from its name - for wholesale and storage companies, but z. B. also responsible for a number of other branches and companies in the field of services and auxiliary trade.

The responsibility of the wholesale and storage trade association therefore extends to the following branches of industry:

  • Wholesale with and without stock; Trade and sale to commercial and agricultural users and industry, as well as purchasing and sales associations; agricultural commodity cooperatives; Companies in the management and control of goods, trade auxiliaries,
  • Fuel, fuel and mineral oil trading with sale from stock or drop shipping; Beverage trade from stock and through delivery; Winery company; Livestock trading and agencies; Grain and feed trade; Building materials and timber trade; Skins, hides and gut trade; Scrap trade, used, residual, waste and secondary raw material trade; Fur farms,
  • Mail order,
  • Commercial agents, brokers and agency businesses with warehouses, commission agents,
  • Freight forwarding, goods distribution and logistics companies; Forwarding offices,
  • Storage and storage companies, municipal port and cargo handling companies as well as companies involved in port and sea cargo handling, loading and unloading, goods testing, checking, weighing and similar companies,
  • Publishers whose products are mainly produced on a contract basis; Distribution, delivery, distribution of newspapers, advertising papers, magazines, reading circles and promotional leaflets, etc. like.,
  • Rental, leasing with handling of goods or drop shipments; Vending machine installation company.

Web links


  1. ^ BGHW Wir über uns ( Memento from March 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. ^ Administrative report 2005 of the wholesale and storage trade association ( Memento of September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).

Coordinates: 49 ° 29 '2.4 "  N , 8 ° 28' 5.8"  E