Great stone grave in Groß Kienitz

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The large stone grave Groß Kienitz was a presumed megalithic grave complex from the Neolithic near Groß Kienitz , a district of Blankenfelde-Mahlow in the Teltow-Fläming district ( Brandenburg ). In the 1920s, fragments of blasted boulders arranged in a circle were documented on the northern edge of the Kienitz Mountains, which were interpreted as the remains of a large stone grave. The dimensions, orientation and type of the system could no longer be reconstructed. Finds were not found at this time, which makes a cultural classification difficult. In later times, some reading findings were made, but it is not clear whether they are directly related to the grave. Before 1945, a “megalithic shard” ( funnel cup culture ?) Was found, which is said to have ended up in the Märkisches Museum in Berlin , but is now lost. Other shards that were found in 1979 can be clearly assigned to the funnel beaker culture. Furthermore, in 1937, traces of a Neolithic settlement were discovered near a sand pit.


  • Hans-Jürgen Beier : The megalithic, submegalithic and pseudomegalithic buildings as well as the menhirs between the Baltic Sea and the Thuringian Forest (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. 1). Wilkau-Haßlau 1991, ISBN 3-930036-00-2 , p. 44.
  • Eberhard Kirsch : Finds from the Middle Neolithic in the state of Brandenburg. Brandenburg State Museum for Prehistory and Early History, Potsdam 1993, pp. 317–318.
  • U. Uhl: The state of Neolithic research in the Potsdam district. Diploma thesis, Halle (Saale) 1983, No. 1533.