Great Kienitz

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Great Kienitz
Community Mahlow
Coat of arms of Groß Kienitz
Coordinates: 52 ° 19 ′ 22 ″  N , 13 ° 28 ′ 7 ″  E
Area : 6.22 km²
Residents : 330  (June 30, 2018)
Population density : 53 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : October 26, 2003
Postal code : 15831
Area code : 033708
Gross Kienitz (Brandenburg)
Great Kienitz

Location of Groß Kienitz in Brandenburg

Groß Kienitz is a district of the municipality of Blankenfelde-Mahlow in the Teltow-Fläming district in Brandenburg . Klein Kienitz is about three kilometers away.


Early to the 14th century

Village church
The village church of Groß Kienitz

In the vicinity of Groß Kienitz, traces of Neolithic settlements as well as the Groß Kienitz large stone grave, a megalithic tomb that also dates from the Neolithic , were discovered.

Groß Kienitz was first mentioned in a document in 1305 as in villa Kynitz . At that time it was a church village and belonged to a Busso Gruvelhut. The church patronage lay with the Spandau monastery . In 1375 Magna Kinitz and Kynitz appeared in Charles IV's land book. The village was 44 Hufen , of which the pastor had three duty-free parish Hufen . There was a jug , eight Kötterhöfe and a Schulzen . The ruler of the place was meanwhile Heine Karre, who held the upper and lower jurisdiction and received a share of the interest. The church patronage lay with the monastery. It also received the grain quarry , while further taxes from nine Hufen had to be paid to the Schaum family, citizens of Berlin. The Diricke and Wusterhausen families, both citizens of Cölln , the Glase family, the Spiel family, a Mr. Lintow with a brother, a Ms. Milow and Schulze were also involved on site.

15th to 17th centuries

In 1450 Groten Kinitz was divided. There were essentially two shares of power over the 44 Hufen village. Before 1450, the Milow family received half of them from the village and four free hooves. The second share went to the Zeuschel family from Berlin before 1450, who received lifts from the Schulzenhof as well as from seven Hufnern and five other farms. Their share was pledged in 1482 to the von Quast with levies and higher and lower jurisdiction. The first share went to von Schlabrendorf in 1484 . They held the higher and lower jurisdiction and, apart from a few electoral leases, granted further rights. After 1570, other owners took over half of the share in Groß Kienitz and the patronage, including the Eggert family, the von Hake family and the von Liepe family. Before 1688 this share came to the Office of Köpenick .

The second share came from 1494 to 1621 to the Flans to Großmachnow and was then divided again. The first share came in 1621 with a quarter of the upper and lower jurisdiction as well as the church patronage to the House of Großmachnow and thus to the von Borgsdorf, and in 1692 to the von Schlabrendorf. In 1724 this share went to the rule of Königs Wusterhausen . The second share went from 1628 to 1677 to the Altglienicke family and thus to von Gröben , von Klitzing , von Lynar and List. In 1677 the office of Köpenick took over a quarter of the jurisdictions and the patronage, before 1688 the von Liepschen share and thus three quarters of the jurisdictions and the patronage. In 1729 this share also came to the rule of Königs Wusterhausen. Between before 1474 and after 1688, Liepe held a third proportion with more than five hooves (1474) or heights of one hoof (1540, 1688). During this time the Thirty Years War broke out , which led to losses in Groß Kientz. In 1624 there were 13 hoofers, four kötter, a blacksmith and a shepherd. After the war it was Schulze, nine farmers with their son, eight farmhands and two kötter.

18th century

In 1704 there were seven whole farmers, six half farmers and four kötter in Groß Kienitz "from time immemorial". Two Kötterhöfe were still desolate after the war , so they had not been reoccupied. In 1711 there were already 11 hoofers, two kötter, a shepherd, a servant and a blacksmith. They paid eight groschen levies for a total of 41 hooves. In 1745 there were 12 farmers, two kötter and a jug in the village. In 1771, Groß Kienitz consisted of 13 gables (= residential houses); A blacksmith, a shepherd and a shepherd boy lived in the village. The taxes were still eight groschen per hoof.

19th century

In 1801 Groß Kienitz had grown to ten whole farms. There were five Kötterhöfe, a smithy and a pitcher. There were 18 campfire sites (= households) in the village. By 1840 the number of residential buildings had grown to 17 houses. In 1858 there were 18 farm owners with 51 servants and maids and 23 day laborers. There were 18 possessions in the village. 13 were between 30 and 300 acres (2124 acres in total), another 13 acres and four smaller properties with a total of four acres. In the meantime, some trades had settled in the village. There were two master tailors and two journeymen as well as a master blacksmith. Groß Kienitz continued to grow: in 1860 there were two public, 21 residential and 61 farm buildings.

20th century

In 1900 there were 23 houses; In 1931 already 28 houses. In 1939 there were 12 agricultural and forestry holdings between 20 and 100 hectares in size, one operation between 10 and 20 hectares and eight smaller holdings between 0.5 and five hectares. After the Second World War , 19 hectares of the Selchow estate were voluntarily ceded and converted into a national estate. Furthermore, two commercial enterprises with a size between five and ten hectares were created. In 1953 a first type III LPG was founded, but it was dissolved again. Newly founded in 1957, it had 41 members and cultivated 408 hectares of usable area. By 1962 the number had grown to 62 members on 504 hectares. In 1973 the LPG merged with the LPG in Dahlewitz to form the LPG Groß Kienitz-Dahlewitz.

The formerly independent municipality was merged on October 26, 2003 together with Blankenfelde, Dahlewitz , Jühnsdorf and Mahlow to form the non-official municipality of Blankenfelde-Mahlow.

Population development

Population development in Groß Kienitz from 1734 to 1971
year 1734 1772 1801 1817 1840 1858 1895 1925 1939 1946 1964 1971
Residents 130 132 136 111 139 186 171 181 181 266 178 146

Former coat of arms

Before the municipal reform, the previously independent municipality of Groß Kienitz had the coat of arms on the left. It shows a stylized baptismal font surrounded by linden leaves. The linden leaves refer to the abundance of linden trees in the community; the baptismal font is located in the Groß Kienitzer church.


Until the fall of the Berlin Wall, Groß Kienitz was shaped by agriculture. The " LPG Eintracht" was one of the most effective in the Zossen district . After the reunification, the main focus was placed on business settlements. This is how & a. the Golfclub Gross Kienitz e. V. and the head office of the beverage specialist chain Getränke Hoffmann could be won for Groß Kienitz.


In addition to the village church as an individual building monument in Blankenfelde-Mahlow, there are also several natural monuments in the community.


The town is connected to the trunk road network via the A 10 and the B 96 . Berlin Brandenburg Airport borders directly to the northwest .

From 1900 to 1951 Groß Kienitz had its own train station, which was served by the Rixdorf-Mittenwalder Railway Company .


  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg: Teltow (= Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg . Volume 4). Verlag Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1976.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ StBA: Changes in the municipalities in Germany, see 2003