Grossenbacher Nunatak

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Grossenbacher Nunatak
height 1150  m
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
Mountains Lyons Nunatakker
Coordinates 74 ° 51 '44 "  S , 74 ° 0' 46"  W Coordinates: 74 ° 51 '44 "  S , 74 ° 0' 46"  W
Grossenbacher Nunatak (Antarctica)
Grossenbacher Nunatak
Normal way Alpine tour (glaciated)

The Grossenbacher Nunatak is a 1150  m high nunatak in the West Antarctic Ellsworthland . It rises 3 km southwest of the Holtet Nunatak at the southwest end of the Lyon Nunatakker .

The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it after the atmospheric physicist Ernest P. Grossenbacher, who worked on the Siple station from 1970 to 1971 .

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