Coreca Grotto

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The Grotte di Coreca ( Caves Coreca ) there are two caves near the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria in Coreca are. The two cave entrances are only ten meters apart. One cave is located in a place called "I Gruttuni" in the local dialect, the other is the "Grotta du 'Scuru". They were at sea level in prehistory , as mollusc finds have shown. Today the entrances are 25 m above sea level. These are located on a steep wall and are therefore difficult to walk on. While I Gruttuni has a very wide entrance, that of the Scuru Cave is very narrow, initially pointing downwards and only then opens into a wide, completely lightless cavern .

Grotta you 'Scuru

As earlier speleologists from Piedmont already indicated, the caves are also important from an archaeological point of view. Investigations in 2012 showed that the caves were visited in the late Bronze Age , but human visits also followed in later eras. However, while I Gruttuni was used in a way that is reminiscent of a hypogeum , the Scurru Cave was used more for burials. In both caves, terracotta containers, millstones and polished pebbles were found that did not come from the region.


The investigations were carried out by the Centro Regionale di Speleologia “Enzo de Medici” in collaboration with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria .

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Coordinates: 39 ° 5 ′ 11.8 ″  N , 16 ° 5 ′ 19 ″  E