Pit Caroline

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Pit Caroline
General information about the mine
Caroline mine in Sexau, Lageplan.jpg
Location map
Information about the mining company
Start of operation around 12th century
End of operation 1794
Successor use Visitor mine
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Silver and lead
Geographical location
Coordinates 48 ° 7 '32.1 "  N , 7 ° 55' 8.8"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 7 '32.1 "  N , 7 ° 55' 8.8"  E
Caroline mine (Baden-Württemberg)
Pit Caroline
Location pit Caroline
local community Sexau
District ( NUTS3 ) Emmendingen
country State of Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany

The Caroline pit in the Eberbächle, a side valley of the Brettenbach, is a former silver mine in Sexau ( Black Forest ), which is now accessible as a visitor mine . The pit has been exposed and maintained by volunteers since 1987 . It is located within the mining area of Sexau and Freiamt .

The oldest parts of the Caroline mine date with some certainty from the 11th to 13th centuries, but are limited to the uppermost depths. There are no concrete references to older operating periods, for example in Roman times. Most of the mine workings, including the shafts and the tunnel, date back to the 16th century. The die on the sixth floor of the pit, which has been dendrochronologically dated to 1528/30, is particularly noteworthy, with its original wooden construction and reel supports .

The last extensive operating phase took place between 1771 and 1794. The name of the mine also comes from this time: It is named after the wife of the Margrave of Baden, Karl Friedrich , Caroline Luise von Hessen (1723–1783).


  • The ore and mineral veins in the old mining area "Freiamt-Sexau" (Central Black Forest) (treatises of the Geological State Office Baden-Württemberg 14), Freiburg i. Br. 1994.
  • Wolfgang Werner, Volker Dennert: Deposits and mining in the Black Forest. Published by the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining, Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2004, ISBN 3-00-014636-9 , pp. 219-230.
  • Haasis-Berner, Andreas: I love gold and silver very much ... The history of mining around the Kandel (Elz, Glotter, Simonswälder and Brettenbachtal). On-line

Web links

Commons : Pit Caroline  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files